There are many many ways that people with money make the money, from starting their own business, to real-estate investing, to a having a highly successful career, or to investing in stocks. However, no matter how they make the money, the people with money have these 5 basic habits in common. 1. Create a budget “A budget is telling your money where to go instead of wondering … [Read more...]
Wealthy Wednesdays: How Wealthy People Handle Their Finances
by Deborah Owens, Finally spring is here and many of us will be looking to clean out closets, basements and garages, ready to replace the old with something new. I was having a conversation with an insurance agent recently about leveraging the benefits of life insurance. He reccomended taking out a loan from a cash value life insurance policy to pay for a luxury automobile. … [Read more...]
Wealthy Wednesdays: Do You Know the Power of Starting Just One Wealthy Habit
by Deborah Owens Hard to believe the first three months of the year are gone already. The end of the first quarter is a great time to look back on the resolutions we made to start the year. For some it was shedding a few pounds. Others vowed to get out of debt. Losing weight and getting your finances in order are always among the top five goals we set out to accomplish every … [Read more...]