If you are a wife and a mother, chances are you regularly play on #teamtoomuch. You have 101 things to do, and it never seems like there are enough hours in the day to get it all done. It’s exhausting. And sadly, it gets more exhausting for so many of us during this time of the year. Cooking, cleaning, working, shopping—the to-do list never seems to end. And we can’t just … [Read more...]
5 Comforting Tips for Women Whose Husbands Are Fat-Shaming Them
I spent a good part of my childhood hoping to lose weight. The only childhood memory I have of being thin is when I was about 4. Growing up in a home where rice, beans and fried plantains were staples was hard for a girl who loved food. Food served as my comfort for years. I have to admit that even though I am now a certified health coach, food still is my comfort. I’ve just … [Read more...]
These 3 Things Should Matter More Than Your Spouse
My husband understands me in a way few people can. He appreciates my quirkiness. He understands why certain things cause me pain. He is sensitive to my emotional needs. He’s a good man. There is no question in my mind I married “the one.” And because I was fortunate enough to marry not just a great guy but the right guy for me, I make sure he understands our marriage matters … [Read more...]
A Look Inside Michelle Obama’s Kitchen Garden; Plus Her Message to Parents
As parents, we strive to give our children the best. We want them to get the best education and to receive the best medical care. Anything less is unacceptable. But do we have the same standard when it comes to what we feed our children and how much we encourage them to exercise? Do we still go above and beyond to make sure they’re getting the best? If you’re not as diligent … [Read more...]
5 Reasons Why Focusing on Your Health Can Improve Your Marriage
I firmly believe in the power of taking a holistic approach to living a happier life. I think if one area of your life is way out of balance, it inevitably impacts the other areas of your life in ways you wouldn’t even imagine. That said, your health is probably the area of your life that impacts everything else the most. From your ability to be successful in business, to … [Read more...]
5 Signs that Your Spouse May Be Suffering from Depression
Marriage is a commitment that requires open and honest communication in order to work at its best. Once someone begins to keep secrets or tells lies, the union is damaged. The damage isn’t always irreparable, but it’s there and it has to be dealt with. But what if the secret being kept is actually being kept by your spouse to protect you or avoid your judgment? What if they … [Read more...]
Is Your Weight Causing Marital Problems?
I’m not a thin girl. Frankly, I never have been. I think I struggled with my weight since I was in elementary school. Too much food and not enough movement landed me in a state that made life tough at times. I managed, though. I never struggled with forming friendships or being liked. Despite some self-esteem issues, I worked with what I had and allowed my personality to shine. … [Read more...]
Why “Paying Yourself First” Isn’t Always About Saving Money
I had a sobering realization a few months ago. I realized that I care more about money than I do my body. YIKES! While I never walked around tapping strangers on the shoulders to say, “Excuse me, Miss, but I really don’t care as much about my physical fitness as I do my financial fitness,” all of my actions confirmed it. The data did not lie. I am in better … [Read more...]
Will 2014 Be the Year You Finally Put Your Health First?
Last week, I decided to start training for a half marathon that will take place in New York City in April. There are a few things that factored into my decision, but the greatest reason was a desire to finally put my health first in the New Year. I have two young children and lately I can’t help but to feel like I am letting them down. I have been eating whatever I want, and … [Read more...]