There is tremendous strength and power in our words; we discuss this on the site frequently. Through our words, we are able to uplift, encourage and empower our family members to succeed in life and to take their goals and ambitions to the next level. Our words can instill in them a sense of confidence.
For example, when people ask my husband: “How or why did you start making movies?”, he always says ” I owe it all to my wife Ronnie. When we decided to extend our marriage message through movies, I was going to hire someone to film for me. But Ronnie told me she believed that I could do it. And so I did.”
And three years later, we have made 5 films, several music videos and countless web videos. I feel so honored that he credits me for this. And I do believe in him. I truly believe that he can do anything he sets his mind to do”....and very well too!!

This same concept applies to our kids. Our words can give them confidence to excel in school, to meet new friends, and to try new things.
Meet my 3 youngest stars, each of them shining bright in their own unique way.
Thing 1 is very intelligent and she is such a sweet kind girl.
Thing 2 is full of personality and is smart as a whip too. Barely out of kindergarten and she is reading chapter books. “How did you get so smart?’ is what I find myself asking after she reads me a book.
Thing 3 is my youngest star. She looks like such a little sweetie-pie. But watch out, she is very determined and knows exactly what she wants.

And last but not least meet my oldest star. He’s funny, super intelligent, and has a kind heart. He is also almost 20 years old now and a college student.
In the picture below, I am quite sure that he knew that he was a star to mommy. But now, I am not so sure that he knows. It feels like he and I battled throughout high school (but he made it out with honors and a full 4 year scholarship.)
As I reflect back on the last couple of years, I wish I would have told him more that he was one of the funniest, most intelligent, and kind people that I know”...period. I needed to tell him that more “...without adding some other type phrase at the end of that sentence like: “And that is why I know you can do better in math”...”

They need to know that they’re stars to Mommy no matter what is going on. I need to tell them daily.
BMWK family – Have you noticed how much power your words have with your family? Do you acknowledge your kids or spouses enough? Tell us some of things you do to express to your loved ones they are stars on a daily basis (kisses, hugs, notes, cards, encouraging words…)
Each new day provides you with an opportunity to have special moments with your family.
Disclosure: This post is part of a series that is sponsored by Hallmark and the Life is a Special Occasion campaign. All opinions and editorial content expressed are my own.
I love it! I put Hallmark Lunch notes in my kids backpacks, organizers and lunch boxes. Some of them are already versed with cute sayings like, “You’re the best!”, “Have an awesome day!”, etc and some that are blank for free-writing. I love those because you get to be specific about something that you’re really proud of. My last one was, “Thanks for being the best big brother to TWO little sisters. I know its hard, but you’re the best at it! Love, Mom!” They need that. It goes a long way! Thanks Ronnie!
Thanks Sheree. Also plan on using the Hallmark notes this year too! They have the cutest little bug em notes –
I absolutely love this! I have always wanted my girls to know how amazing they truly are. My goal was to get to them before any bullies, or any other negative people entered their lives (who would tell them lies). So from the moment they could understand the words that were coming out of my mouth 🙂 I told them how beautiful and smart they were. Sometimes I would replace their name with one of those adjectives, like “good morning beautiful, or Time to wake up gorgeous”. And whenever either of my daughters would say something was too hard, I would say, not for you, because you’re a genius. I could tell by the smiles on their faces that they believe what I tell them.
What I love most about your article is mentioning the spouse too. I have to admit I haven’t been as on it as I could have been and I must step my game up. I sooooo believe in my husband and I have to tell him more often. Thanks for the reminder. My husband always tell me, no matter what I’m tackling, “Small thing to a giant, and he makes me feel like I could rule the world”!
I forgot to add, your children are adorable!
Thanks Tiya! As spouses, we definitely have the power to uplift and encourage each other. Lamar is my biggest supporter….always there to give me that extra nudge when I need it.
Ronnie, I absolutely love this!!! My girls and I are always writing love notes to each other and we thing that words followed by actions are pretty important to us. Our little circle of love is filled with adoration and appreciation for each other and our REALLY BIG support system consisting of Fathers, Step-Moms, Aunts, Grandmothers, God Parents and Big Cousin Aunties. Thank you so much for sharing the importance because life is a special occaision and we should share with the one’s that we love!
Your babies are beautiful….
Thanks Yanni!
Thank you! This article was so on point and it came exactly when i needed it to. With 2 toddlers, a preteen and one on the way along with a very busy summer i feel like i have not been my myself lately ( particularly in this area). I notice how it affects the whole house when mommy isn’t at her best, especially when it comes to uplifting everyone. My husband is so helpful and i couldn’t ask for sweeter children. I know i am blessed and i love when everyone of them knows that without a doubt. Thanks for this much needed reminder!
I know exactly you how it feel. As mothers and wives ..we have lots of responsibilities.. When I am feeling off…I take a time out to get myself back on track. …..or else I risk affecting everyone in the house.
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