The product of a loving, healthy, and thriving marriage is a great sex life. Each of us have at least one love scene from a movie that inspires you to have a passionate love life with your spouse.
Sex is God’s invention for couples to share in something they will share in with no other person. If someone asked you if a great sex life is a desire for you and your spouse, you most likely will say yes. But, then answer the question:
Is a great sex life is a priority for you and your spouse?”
Many would think the enemy to a great sex life would be maybe loss of attraction to your spouse, lack of knowledge on sex, possibly stress from life, or adjusting to having kids. None of those are the greatest enemy to a great sex life.
What is it?
Lack of Time.
We surveyed hundreds of married couples and over 60% said the number reason why they aren’t having sex is due to not having enough time after taking care of everything else in life and being to tired.
Dr. Kevin Leman quotes, “When we live life at the pace of a Nascar race, sex is the one of the first things that goes.” He then goes on to say, “I researched a survey from Redbook magazine asking the question, “What would you do with an hour’s worth of free time?” Over ten thousand men and women responded. Eight five percent of men and 59 percent of women answered, “Have more sex.”
How do we combat the Americanized issue of filling our schedules up with so much stuff that it takes over the things that matter most?
We make sex a scheduled priority. Just like we schedule meals, kid’s games, or meetings at work, we should schedule sex with our spouse. The most effective way to desire more sex is to have sex. When you go weeks or even months without sex you are programming yourself not to desire it. Even the Bible instructs us not to go long times without having sex.
1 Corinthians 7:5, “Do not deprive each other of sexual relations, unless you both agree to refrain from sexual intimacy for a limited time so you can give yourselves more completely to prayer.”
Lets take back our sex lives by making it a priority. Just like you can’t wait to your favorite TV show on a set day of each week, you should be expectant of your sex night with your spouse.
Great sex doesn’t start in the bedroom, it starts outside of the bedroom with making it a priority.
BMWK, Are you able to make your spouse a priority?
Wanda Derua says
Morning, I seen an article yesterday about intimacy in the marriage but I didn’t get a chance to read it but I shared it but now I can’t find it and would LOVE to read it. I have been reading other tht are on this site and is loving it. I want this particular piece because I NEED to share with my husband. So if you know the one I’m talking about,can u PLEASE send it to me. I would greatly appreciate it. Thanks!