Time for this week’s edition of ‘Fab 5’ marriage/relationship resources. Since BlackandMarriedwithKids.com has a fabulous new look, we thought we would bring your a few new fabulous resources that are designed to help you along your relationship journey.
“Dear Dad: Reflections of Fatherhood”…Just in time for Father’s Day, “Dear Dad: Reflections of Fatherhood” inspired by award-winning Chicago Sun-Times columnist John W. Fountain’s essay for the acclaimed national Public Radio’s ‘This I Believe’ series, ‘Dear Dad’ is a moving anthology of essay, poetry and prose written by some of the nation’s finest journalists and writers, in celebration and examination of fatherhood. Click here for more information.
“9 Tenets of a Successful Relationship, for Singles”…We all want many of the same things in life. A solid, healthy, mutually satisfying relationship is usually one of those things. And while romantic relationships have been an essential part of the human existence since the beginning, we face challenges in this new millennium that our grandparents, and even our parents, didn’t face. Life, in general, seems a bit more complicated. The “9 Tenets of a Successful Relationship” was written to address and simplify some of the complicated things we face these days. Click here to begin the journey to a successful relationship.
“A Christian’s Book of Haiku” by Dapne Washington…is a compilation of poems designed to promote insight, guidance, and encouragement across a wide range of topics. The aim is not only to provide empowerment for more purposeful daily living but also to inspire others in the development of their relationship with God. Chapters include marriage, children and spiritual well-being. Click here for more information on all of the chapters.
“Sydney’s Book Club”…Summer is here and what’s the best way for your children to spend their summer vacation? Reading! While attending “Sydney’s Book Club,” children will be introduced to new words, along with teaching letter recognition and sound, followed by a creative activity/craft which will be centered around the book of the day. Children‘s desire to read will be ignited by their ability to recall story time, and identify words when traveling about their little walks of daily life. Click here to open a new world for your children this summer with Sydney’s Book Club.
“Just As I Am” created by Aisha Mupindu is a website for anyone preparing for marriage. Keeping it real! The websites’ aim is to encourage those who are single and waiting/preparing for marriage to live their lives according to God’s plan. To encourage those who are single and waiting/preparing for marriage that we all go through issues in this period of waiting and they can be dealt with in Godly ways so we always come out victorious. Click here to start your journey to victory.
Do you have a wonderful resource (book, DVD, event or ministry) that can help someone build a stronger relationship/marriage? Now’s the time to get listed on the BMWK Resource Guide. Enjoy a complimentary 30-Day listing. Click here for more information.
By Kirstin N. Fuller
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