Here at BMWK we celebrate Black love everyday, but the official day to celebrate is March 17th which is “Black Marriage Day!” In our ongoing effort to help you strengthen and celebrate your love, here are our choices for this week’s “Fab 5 Marriage Resources.’
“Marriage ROCKS for Christian Couples” — Evidence suggests that African Americans have one of the lowest marriage rates in the country, and their divorce rate is among the highest. In response to the critical condition of black marriages, Dr. Harold Arnold offers a model in Marriage ROCKS for Christian Couples. With the Marriage ROCKS method, Arnold challenges couples to establish and strengthen their relationship on a rock-solid foundation. Click here to start building your rock-solid foundation.
“I Need A Wife…Where are the Real Women?” — Are you a single brother looking for a more serious relationship, tired of the games? In his 5th book, author Jack Daniels offers an insightful, entertaining, and witty look at the real reasons as to what’s keeping them from experiencing success in their relationships. Click here to get the answers to burning relationship questions.
“Covenant Keepers 4 Life” Ministry” — Does your marriage/relationship need a little encouragement or uplifting? The ‘Covenant Keepers 4 Life’ is a ministry that seeks to encourage couples through seminars, daily inspirations (on Facebook), and special events and outings. To join the ministry or participate in an event/outing click here.
“Good, Before & After He Finds YOU!” — A Lesson in Perpetual Personal Branding. This fabulous workshop is based in marketing principles to help women prepare to be successful before, during and even after marriage. Single ladies, brides to be click here to start repairing today.
“A Celebration of Marriage” ~ Marriage is Black or White Event — If you’re going to be in the Atlanta area anytime soon, mark your calendars for March 23rd. It’s the official date of the 10th annual marriage gala at the fabulous Melia Hotel Atlanta. Click here to register and start your journey to be “Married for Life…On Purpose!”
More fabulous resources are waiting for you on the BMWK Resource Guide. Visit to view all of the books, dvds, events, counselors, websites and more that will help you build a strong successful marriage!
BMWK Family — Do you have a book, dvd, ministry or upcoming event that is a fabulous resource for married couples or those wanting to be married? Share it on the Resource Guide! Email us at resourceguide@tylernewmedia for more information.
These are all great resources… Please visit to see all the available resources.