It’s time for another set of fabulous resources designed to help you strengthen and build a wonderful marriage and relationship. This week we have 5 more fabulous resources from the destination for marriage resources…The BMWK Resource Guide.
In Renovating Your Marriage Room by Room, Dr. Johnny Parker speaks to you and your spouse about building a house of togetherness brick by brick from the foundation up. He encourages you to consider the two possible foundations upon which marriages are built; then walks you through an inspection of your marital house, room by room.
Is your marital house standing on a firm foundation or has it been shaken? Are you in need of a marriage renovation???Dr. Parker wants to help you answer these questions and make the changes necessary to give your love a new look. Start renovating today by clicking here.
When a Woman Loves a Man will explore and explain the characteristics that a woman demonstrates that expresses her love to her man in the way that God intended. The Bible states that God took part of the man’s rib and made the woman. This is significant for many reasons, one of which teaches us that the woman’s love would be expressed in her protection of her husband emotionally. The ribcage protects the vital organs like the heart and the lungs. Yes, God has made man the physical protector of the woman but He’s equaled the playing field by making the woman the emotional protector of the man. Find out what happens when a woman loves a man the way God intended by clicking here.
In When a Man Loves a Woman, Pastor Ford writes to all men–whether single, engaged, or married–who want to make their future or existing marriage as meaningful and satisfying as God intended it to be. A lifelong marriage is rare in our day of fleeting relationships and broken families. But James Ford Jr. shows men that lasting love is possible, by living according to God’s Word, and by loving God’s way. Drawing from scriptural wisdom, Pastor Ford reflects on how one man–Jacob–loved his woman, and how Jacob’s example teaches today’s men these must-have romance skills: Meeting your wife’s spiritual, emotional, and social needs, Protecting and cherishing your wife, Celebrating the God-given differences between you and your wife. Men, find out how to have lasting love by clicking here.
Things I Wish I’d Know Before We Got Married, by Dr. Gary Chapman, is a book packed with wisdom and tips that will help many develop the loving, supportive and mutually beneficial marriage men and women long for. It’s the type of information Gary himself wished he had before he got married. This is not a book simply to be read. It is a book to be experienced. The material lends itself to heart-felt discussions by dating or engaged couples. To jump-start the exchanges, each short chapter includes insightful “Talking it Over” questions and suggestions. And, the book includes information on interactive websites as well as books that will enhance the couples experience. Click here for more information.
Husbands, Wives, God, by author Edward C. Lee, is a first of its kind book that introduces seven marriages taken straight from the Bible into your marriage. These are their stories— woven together to produce changed hearts, attitudes, perspectives and ultimately, changed marriages. They were selected in order to channel the focus of husbands and wives to the most important relationship that a couple has, a balanced relationship between them and God, hence the book’s title, Husbands, Wives, God. Click here for more information.
BMWK — Do you want your marriage/family product listed on the destination for marriage resources, the BMWK Resource Guide? click here for more information.
Diane says
Thank you both. 🙂