The state of Colorado is stepping up and issuing new regulations to daycare centers and childcare providers. New rules include having dolls on site of at least three different races, switching from whole milk to 2%, and ensuring that child care providers do not eat fast food in front of the children in their care.
Childcare providers are pushing back, saying the new regulations are too strict and they might have to close their doors or struggle with the increased costs.
What do you think? Is this going a little too far or is it good to see states step up and make daycares pay attention to things like diversity and nutrition?
Anthony from CharismaticKid says
I LOVE THIS. Eventually they won’t have to enforce this law anymore, as it will be the norm to always have a diverse set of dolls, and it would be weird to see only one race.
Anonymous says
What costs? How much are dolls these days? Is it that expensive that they would have to close down?