When you bring together a blended family, everyone (and I mean everyone) will experience growing pains….from the step-parent, to the biological parent, to the kids. They all have to go through a period of adjusting to their new reality. And this period can be easy for some and it can be very difficult for others.
I know this reality all too well as Lamar and I have a blended family. I already had 2 kids when we met; my son was 11 years old and my daughter was 2 years old. Can you imagine what Lamar had to go through being thrust into this ready-made family? Or, what about how my 11 year old son was feeling when he had to move to a new state and live in a home with such a strong male presence. I think the only one that ‘seemed’ to be fine with everything was baby girl…but aren’t 2 year olds pretty much happy about everything??
Eight years later, and if I had to contribute one thing to us thriving (yes thriving) as a family, it would be our (Lamar and I) decision to remain united. We’ve shed some tears and we’ve had some differences, but we have always been able to reassure each other that we are in it together and that we love each other no matter what.
This is why I love this latest Marriage Pressure Points short film, because in 10 minutes it captures the emotions and tensions that blended families face. But, it also shows you that patience and love can truly keep it together.
BMWK – We are honored to host the Official Web Premiere of the film Portrait here on BlackandMarriedwithKids.com. Please take a look at it below and then let us know the keys to your blended family thriving. Can you relate to any of the characters in the movie?
Click here to see more Marriage Pressure Points films.
Marriage Pressure Points, is a ministry that has a heart for broken marriages, and is giving hope to restore these marriages.The ministry is made possible by the support of those who have a similar heart and hope for the restoration of these marriages. You can help by visiting their website and making a donation of any amount. Please follow Marriage Pressure Points on Facebook.
The first six minutes of this film brought me to tears because this is my reality now. Everything he said to her I have heard from my friend and everything she was saying I have said and/or thought. I have a 17 and 12 year old, and I too went thru that faze of letting them get away with stuff because I felt guilty about the divorce. Blending families is hard, but I have faith we will get thru this with patience. Thanks for the video!
Shana – Thanks for your honesty. I’m glad you could relate to the film, but sad that you are going through a difficult time. Hopefully you’ll be able to use some of the tactics they used to break-through in your relationship and move to a healthier place.
I have been married to my husband for two years and we so called blended our families. I was a single mother of a 10yr old son at the time his children were 14 12 and 4. My son’s father has been completely absent from my son’s life so when I got got married I thought that it was what my son needed who truly didnt have a dad. Now his children have their mother’s and him who totally make a the decisions for their children and I back him and their mother’s on all decisions. As for my son my husband says ” if and when he’s ready to come to me he will”(totally nuts) my son is/was an only child and his adjustment period has been difficult. Hes ran away he’s been totally disrespectful to my husband. He sees my husband spend time with his kids one on one but NEVER my son! There has been some other things that have been done and and said in front of all of the children but my son has been the one’s that is most affected. His grades are poor he doesn’t care about his appearance he sleeps all the time has no friends. Its been more hard on me than anything. His kids have have their lives involved in sports and their moms and my son only has me. I am ready to be the catalyst in this relationship and leave him. Im not happy and and neither is my son. My husband said I do not do one on one with kids! He truly does not know anything about my son and has truly refused to do do. I dont have all the answers but help is needed. I love my husband but I love my son more. Please help?