Are you having a problem getting a man you want to ask you out? Well, I have some tips to solve your issue. Many times I get asked by women how to make themselves more approachable. Some men may think that a woman should already know how to do that. Believe it or not, many still struggle with it. They tend to overlook the simple things that can give a man a hint, or the confidence to ask her out. That man can be just as nervous, as or more nervous than you are.
So here a 3 things you can do to give him the green light:
1. Smile
This has got to be the simplest thing a woman can do, yet so many neglect this effective tool. I am not saying walk around everywhere with a big ole grin on your face. What I am saying is that when you see a guy you like, then it’s time to break out that winning smile. That will instantly give him notice that you may have some interest. It will also create a more pleasant environment for him to feel comfortable enough to approach.
Looking at him like he stole something will do nothing to increase your chances of exchanging numbers. Side Note: some of you may go with the “sexy” look instead, but the risk is some men can’t tell the difference between the “sexy” look and the “what in the hell are you looking at” look.
2. Give a Compliment
Ladies, you are not the only ones that like to receive a compliment. We men enjoy it as well, especially when it comes from a woman we may be interested in. The other reason why a compliment can really help in showing interest is the fact that a lot of women do not do it. So when it does happen, it immediately catches the man’s attention (most men).
Some women have become immune to compliments due to the frequency in which some of you receive it. Though I would argue that even those women still want compliments from the man they love from time to time. Men though, we aren’t used to it and it is a great way to say, “I am interested, don’t be a jerk and ask me out already”.
3. Engage in conversation
I remember once approaching a woman and trying to make conversation. She didn’t seem very much into it, so I assumed she was not interested and went about my business. Later when I spoke to a female friend, she told me the woman actually was interested, but is just like that. Well, how in the hell do you expect me or any man to know you have interest if you are not making an effort to carry on the conversation.
I understand that some men will overlook this and still try to get your number. For the guy that you actually like, you are making it harder for him to realize you want him to ask you out if you are not saying much. Not to mention that you may simply lose his interest because you are coming off as maybe boring and not having much personality. If you don’t want a man to proceed, then continue with the vibe of just waiting for him to shut up and walk away. Just know how to not let that happen when it is a guy you actually want to have future conversations with.
For some of you ladies, this list may be common knowledge and what you already practice in your daily life. For others, this may simply serve as a refresher for information you are already aware of. Then there are some who just flat out overlook how these simple acts can do wonders in increasing your chances of having the guy you want approach you and ask you out. Men already have all the pressure of having to typically initiate things and attempt to read a woman to see if he should proceed or not. The least you could do is make that process easier for him which is a benefit to the both of you at the end of the day.
BMWK, Do you think you are approachable? Are these simple things you can try?
Great tips. I was recently approached by someone when I was using my tablet at a local store. At first I was a little annoyed that I was interrupted. Once I decided to get out of my “me time”, the conversation went quite well. Only God knows if there will be a follow up since we did not exchange contact information.
I agree with you Renee, I’m sometimes so wrapped up in my own little world, and being busy, that I don’t even notice when a guy is trying to approach me, sad, but true. I’ve been told a few times by guys that I should smile more, but I don’t notice how I’m looking when I’m out in public. Often times I am so busy, tired, etc., I’m not putting all of this focus into making sure that I’m smiling and looking approachable. I guess I will try to work on this. I just feel like men put too many stipulations on us women sometimes, and we black women really catch it, if you smile too much then you look crazy, not enough, and you look mean, smh.
Great article and right on point.
Now suppose you do all 3 you smile,give a compliment,and engage in conversation and they still will follow up to call you or take you out on a date,I believe when it is time for you to meet someone it is going to happen when the time is right,when I met my past boyfriends I did not do any of these 3 things it just happened.
I usually tend to smile only when there’s a reason to–yet I’ve been told in the past I look mean. Even to this very day that’s until you engage me in conversation then that’s a whole other story completely lol. I don’t know… I usually just try to go with the flow and most often times just being myself.