Patience is a virtue, but it can sometimes be useless when you're waiting on God to send you the man that he has for you. Though you realize waiting on God is best, you may be overlooking things that are defeating the purpose of the process. It happens to a lot of people, and there is a lot we can learn from the mistakes made. Here are three things to consider that may be … [Read more...]
3 Reasons Why You’re Still Waiting for Boaz
There are many women of faith that have gone in prayer and asked: "God where is my Boaz?" There are many churches that have preached to single women to continue waiting for Boaz. Yet despite all of your efforts, Boaz has not come, and frustration has taken his place. This can seem so unfair, but maybe there is a very good reason this blessing has been delayed. What could … [Read more...]
7 Mistakes Single Christian Men Make With Relationships
Where are all the good women? This is a common question many single Christian men ask. Many are frustrated with being overlooked or the fact that they feel it has been too hard to find a "quality woman of God." They hear a lot of women claiming greatness, but it isn't lining up with what they experience. Are Christian women the problem, or are these single Christian men … [Read more...]
7 Mistakes Single Christian Women Make With Relationships
There are many single Christian women out there simply frustrated with the process of dating and relationships. It can feel like there is so much unnecessary nonsense attached, and that causes some to lose hope. For those that feel this way, don't be discouraged, but be mindful of what adjustments you can make to see some improvement in that area. Here are 7 mistakes single … [Read more...]
Leave And Cleave: 3 Reasons Your Wife Should Come Before Your Mother
Every married man must know how to "leave and cleave"-- leave your parents and cleave to your wife. It isn't that a man should start neglecting his mother, but he also should not allow her to have a negative impact on his marriage. It is one thing to occasionally run to your mother's side, but to consistently do it at the expense of your wife can be disastrous. Some would … [Read more...]
3 Reasons Why a Man Shouldn’t Chase After a Woman
"Men are supposed to be the hunters" is what a lot of people will say. According to these people, it is your job as a man to initiate the pursuit of a woman, and to put in maximum effort to show her you want her. To some extent, I completely understand that perception. But it can reach a point where it becomes flawed. A man should definitely be willing to do his part in the … [Read more...]
4 Things You’re Doing to Ruin Your Business Relationships
Relationships make the world go round. In many aspects of life, relationships are a big key to growth and success. This principle holds very true when it comes to business. You have to create and cultivate great business relationships if you want to experience constant progress with your business. Connecting with the right people can generate opportunities and growth you could … [Read more...]
Why You Need to Embrace Healing Before You Enter a New Relationship
A woman meets a man and she finds herself intrigued. They get to know each other and this man is simply everything she could hope for. Great guy, good-looking, and she recognizes a connection exists. She finds herself developing feelings for this man and wanting to be in his presence. She then begins to feel nervous and uncomfortable. How can this man be so great? She thinks … [Read more...]
5 Things to Embrace While You’re Single
Some of you are single and ready for more in your life. That more may be a relationship or just being able to enjoy life at a greater level while you're single. Whichever it is, there are ways that can help you achieve that. You have to make sure you are focusing on the right things and not allowing negativity to get the best of you. Ignoring the pressure you may get from … [Read more...]
5 Keys to Working on Your Past Issues Together
Everybody has issues!...Well not exactly. Yes we have all experienced things in our life that has likely created some issues at some point. However, some people have taken the time to address and resolve them. While others may have ignored them, or moved past them on the surface. The latter can lead to two people coming together in a relationship and experiencing a greater … [Read more...]
Finding Mrs. Right: 6 Signs She May Be the One for You
We've previously discussed The 6 Signs You Have Found "Mr. Right", and now we will discuss the flip-side. There are a lot of good women in this world. Yet, it still isn't always easy to know when you have met the one you can truly spend your life with. You have to take your time to properly evaluate her and to discover if a true connection exist. You already know what you like … [Read more...]
3 Surefire Ways to Know if Your Friends are True Friends
In a world filled with internet gangsters, reality TV, manufactured food, and hair weave. It has become really hard to know what’s real and what’s fake. This principle holds true when trying to determine real friends vs. fake friends. People will smile in your face all day long, but then turn around and betray you with ease. Thankfully not everyone is like that, but how can you … [Read more...]
3 Reasons Why Men Struggle to Open Up
"Why won't he just tell me how he feels?" "Why is it so hard to get him to open up?" "Does he have a genuine issue or is he just plain old stupid?" These are all questions I have received from frustrated women dealing with men who can't seem to express themselves. They feel like they are speaking to a brick wall and nothing seems to be getting through. This void of effective … [Read more...]
3 Simple Ways to Get His Attention Today
Are you having a problem getting a man you want to ask you out? Well, I have some tips to solve your issue. Many times I get asked by women how to make themselves more approachable. Some men may think that a woman should already know how to do that. Believe it or not, many still struggle with it. They tend to overlook the simple things that can give a man a hint, or the … [Read more...]
3 Games Men Need to Stop Playing When They Date
Men it is time to start being better men and stop with all the negativity some contribute to dating and relationships. I understand that some of you may not fully understand the damage you do to women, and to the overall state of relationships, but that’s why I am doing my part to make sure you are now informed on the reality of these issues. Be brave and drop the pride, while … [Read more...]