We have already heard the popular phrase, “there isn’t a testimony without first going through a test” This is very true and if you ask anyone with a story what it took to get where they are now, you better pull up a chair because they will keep you for days. Every married couple must face various tests throughout their marriage. Here are 4 tests every Godly marriage must face.
1.The Keeping the Main Thing the Main Thing Test
Exodus 20:3, “You will not have any other gods before me”. God wants all of you, but after you get married this becomes a challenge all in itself. It becomes clear very quickly why Apostle Paul states in 1 Corinthians 7:34, “ A married person has to think about earthly responsibility and how to please their spouse.”
One translation even says a married person’s interests are divided. The first test every Godly marriage must go through is keeping God in first place.
You will have the opportunity to replace him with so many other things including your spouse, but you must learn you are nothing without Him.
2. The Unconditional Love Test
Christ like love is the hardest love to imitate, yet that’s exactly what He calls us to do. John 13:35, states, “Your love for one another will prove to the World that you are my disciples.” Unconditional means no matter what, how, or when you must love your spouse unconditionally.
This is much easier said than done. It takes daily dieing to yourself in order to not allow what your spouse does to you to change how you love them.
3. The Good Steward Test
To whom much is given much is required. Well, what do you do when you haven’t been given a lot? This is where many of us fail to realize the riches we have been entrusted with. God is not concerned about the quantity, but about the quality.
Every married couple must face the test of being good stewards of their finances.
This is done by first giving back to God a portion of what He has entrusted you with. This is literally one of the most challenging things for couples. This is why God says in Malachi for us to test him in this area because He knew this would be hard for us to do. Be a good steward of your finances by remembering who the Owner is, and managing his wealth well.
4. The Faithfulness Test
Faithfulness can be applied to so many different areas of your life, but the one I would like to focus on is being faithful to your promises. You made a promise on your wedding day when you read aloud your vows.
My wife and I actually watch our wedding video each anniversary to be reminded of the vows we made to each other. Staying faithful to those vows to love her unconditionally, lead her like Christ leads the church, protect her like her Father did, provide for her no matter the circumstance, and guard my heart from any other thing stealing it away.
Those vows are important, and they will be tested but you must remain faithful to the promise you made because it is out of your story that many will be inspired to do the same.
BMWK! What tests have you and your spouse had to go through in your marriage?
Yes! We have experienced these tests…numerous times! We just celebrated 6 years of oneness yesterday. God is faithful, and I pray He blesses us with many more years. Thanks for this.