Don and I decided to do a 30 Days of Service Challenge after watching the below video by Comedian Mike Goodwin. Mike decided to do something every day to serve his wife for an extended period of time - - 30 days. I thought it was going to easy to knock out. Wrong! The first few days we were enthusiastic about out-serving each other. He made me breakfast in bed on more than one … [Read more...]
Out-Dated: Dating Advice that Will Keep You Single
There is no shortage of bad advice available to hinder if not altogether ruin your relationship. Most of the time, it comes from well-meaning family and friends (who are likely passing on information that hasn't served them well if they thought about it). They mean well, but things won't end well if you heed this advice. Here's some to add to your list of "advice not to … [Read more...]
4 Tests Every Godly Marriage Has to Go Through
We have already heard the popular phrase, “there isn’t a testimony without first going through a test” This is very true and if you ask anyone with a story what it took to get where they are now, you better pull up a chair because they will keep you for days. Every married couple must face various tests throughout their marriage. Here are 4 tests every Godly … [Read more...]
BMWK 30 Days of Gratitude Challenge; Week 4 Expressing Gratitude for Others
Week 1: Self-Gratitude Week 2: Gratitude for my Spouse/Significant Other Week 3: Gratitude for my children/family Week 4: Gratitude for others Week 4: Expressing Gratitude for Others This time of year can be really hard for a lot of people. You never know what that smile, encouraging word or simple act of kindness can do for someone. I'm committed to being more … [Read more...]
BMWK 30 Days of Gratitude Challenge Week 3: Children/Family
Week 1: Self-Gratitude Week 2: Gratitude for my Spouse/Significant Other Week 3: Gratitude for my children/family Week 4: Gratitude for others Week 3: Daily Gratitude (Children/Family) One thing I didn't hear a lot of growing up from my parents was "thank you". While I know now they have always been grateful for me, I didn't know it as a kid. So as much as possible, … [Read more...]
30 Days of Gratitude Challenge Week 2: Spouse or Significant Other
Week 1: Self-Gratitude Week 2: Gratitude for my Spouse/Significant Other Week 3: Gratitude for my children Week 4: Gratitude for others Week 2: Daily Gratitude (Spouse/Significant Other) Day 8: Write your spouse a love letter. Include in your letter why you fell in love with them & the dreams you have for your future together. Day 9: Today is "yes" day. … [Read more...]
BMWK 30 Days of Gratitude Challenge: Week 1
It's so hard to believe that we are in the last two months of 2014! Before you know it, the hustle and bustle of the holidays will be upon us. It's the time of year that can be so beautiful and blessed for many, but also sad and lonely for others. We all know the saying that "someone always has it worse" than us. But how often do we keep that in mind? How often do we go about … [Read more...]
The Happy Marriage Challenge
If more couples showed just how wonderful marriage could be, do you think it would have a positive influence on your children, families, and those you come in contact with? In a recent dinner conversation with friends we talked about how most of the things we see on TV portray marriage in a bad light. Everything from the news to the popular television shows make a mockery of … [Read more...]