If more couples showed just how wonderful marriage could be, do you think it would have a positive influence on your children, families, and those you come in contact with?
In a recent dinner conversation with friends we talked about how most of the things we see on TV portray marriage in a bad light. Everything from the news to the popular television shows make a mockery of marriage. Shows like, The Haves and the Have Nots, Scandal, and Modern Family, however funny and captivating, show marriage from a highly dysfunctional standpoint.
Now, the marriages around us in real life may not be as bad as what in see on the big screen, yet even in those, what we see emphasized is the negative versus the positive.
I have a challenge for you. Are you up for it? Speak the positive. That’s it; speak the positive. Some negative things may happen in your marriage but let’s make an effort to speak on the positive.
Happy Marriage Challenge: Speak the positive over your marriage.
Whatever you speak on, the negative or the positive, you are giving life to that thing. So why not speak on the positive? Magnify that! When you talk to your buddies or your girls, share the great things your spouse is doing and the effort they are making for you and your family.
Do it until it becomes easy, until it becomes a habit. Most people feel like they are bragging or they don’t want to show off, so they keep the positive to themselves. Let’s change this. If your marriage is doing well or you and your spouse are making an effort to move from good to great, don’t be embarrassed to shout it from the roof tops. People are watching your example even when you don’t realize it.
When you share and show how great marriage is several things have the potential of happening:
- The good things become even greater in your own mind.
- Your children see an example of what marriage should like and sound like.
- Your friends and family have an image of a positive marriage to reference.
- You speak into the universe that happy marriages do exist and are on the rise.
- You provide encouragement to others that marriage is well worth the energy and effort.
I know you can handle this challenge. If you got a new car you would let others know of all the great features and benefits. If your child made the dean’s list you would share it on Facebook, at the office, and with your family near and far. Although both are good news, a happy marriage is far greater than a new car or the dean’s list. A happy marriage has lasting effect on you and your family today and for generations to come.
We hear so much about negative marriages; it’s time to hear the positive. Make some noise in your circle. Take the challenge; let it be known you have a happy marriage.
BMWK – Start today by posting something positive that is going on in your marriage. Nothing is too small – positive is positive.
Every month! Now that’s pretty cool. Congratulations on making the effort to keep things fresh and exciting.