For a long time, I did not take my makeup habits seriously. I wasn’t a huge fan of makeup in general during college, but the older I became, the more comfortable I became with makeup and beauty routines in general. I realized that makeup can be a tool I use to present myself to the world. One day I can be Neo-soul natural with rosy cheeks and peachy gloss, and the next day I can be a femme fatale with burgundy lips and a dramatic cat eye. I had been missing out.
Having a solid makeup routine is key for any woman and it must be updated yearly. Here are a few easy steps you can take to make sure your beauty routine is on point for 2015.
Throw out old makeup
It has been said time and time again that old makeup is a hazard to your health. Bacteria can collect on mascara wands, on lipstick tubes, and eyeliner tips, especially if they are not used frequently and left to sit in a dark warm makeup bag. Taking an audit of your cosmetics and getting rid of the old fogies will ensure your health, not just your look. Check out this article by Black Women’s Health for details on cosmetic expiration dates.
Clean your brushes
Again, bacteria is real and they are coming for your face. Makeup brushes can get just as icky as the makeup itself, especially when you add in the dirt and oils that can accumulate. But, no need to throw them out, all they need is a quick wash to get rid of the nastiness – hooray! Here is a great video with a step by step brush cleaning system you can do monthly or weekly depending on how often you use your tools.
[youtube id=”_ufrPJeHoY0″]
Stop bad habits
You know what I’m talking about… the going to sleep with makeup on your face, not drinking enough water, the skipping an SPF moisturizer, or the picking at blemishes. We are all guilty of at least one (in my case, all) of these habits, but we can drop kick those for the new year. Resolve to be gentle with your face and it will pay you back in glowing perfection.
Check your products
When I began wearing makeup, I was still in the throws of adolescence so my concealer and foundation were full coverage to mask the new pimples showing up each week. Now that I am in my thirties, I don’t break out, so my products needed to change. I use a tinted moisturizer or concealer with a light powder, and have even changed my moisturizer to something thicker and more nourishing now that I don’t have to worry about clogging pores. We should all evaluate our products based on our lifestyle and beauty needs, especially as we age.
Consider going green
While we know the ingredients in makeup are considered safe by FDA standards, why not open up to the idea of incorporating all natural products for your beauty plan. Green products are considered healthier in that they do not contain chemicals that can seep into your bloodstream through the eyes, mouth, and skin. Less chemicals mean less chance of negative side effects down the line. Those with sensitive skin should take an extra hard look at green products, which are much gentler. Check out Vitacost, Whole Foods Market, or the natural aisle at your favorite grocer.
BMWK, What other ways can you update your beauty routine for 2015?
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