By: James Woodruff
If you found yourself in a new relationship this year, consider yourself blessed. Dating in the modern age is hard. In relationships, the holidays become the time where the two of you can sit down to reflect.
You think back on time spent and take pleasure in the positives. You laugh and smile fondly about the great memories you’ve been busy making. At the same time, you double up on looking ahead to the future.
You think about ways to grow your relationship. You think about what can strengthen your bond and what will propel your relationship to the next level. Many unanswered questions or concerns can be directly correlated to your communication.
It goes without saying that the ability to be vulnerable is how relationships thrive. It’s important that a relationship fosters your emotional maturity while your significant other also shows compassion for the differences that exist.
Although words of affirmation is only one specified method in which a person receives love and opens up to intimacy, it’s important to understand how positive affirmation can build a stronger relationship. So here are some key phrases to help your significant other feel the love:
“I don’t want to fight with you”
One of the things I’ve noticed about myself is that when I’m angry, I lash out. Instead of dealing with the issue at hand, I shut down. Some people deal with conflict in ways that can offend or hurt their significant other.
On the other side, we have triggers that we may not be aware of until a heated argument comes up. Taking digs and retreating is not only immature and mean, it’s counter-productive. Life is too short to fight over things that may not matter 24 hours later.
As I get older, I know how powerful it is to choose peace – in your home, in your relationships, in life. Most of the time, the fight to be right creates residual resentment that inevitably prolongs the original argument.
In reality, we don’t want to fight with the person we love anyway. We just want to be heard and have our opinion acknowledged; right or wrong.
“I’m proud of you”
As a man, there are few feelings better than having your woman smile from ear to ear because of something you’ve done. As children, we work tirelessly to please our parents, teachers, or other influential adults in our lives.
That doesn’t change in adulthood. It could be receiving the promotion you’ve put in all the hours for. Something as small as hitting the buzzer beater in a rec league game could have a man looking for adulation from his woman.
Having your significant other cheer you on or say these words in private is one of the most genuine acts of love conveyed through words.
“You are enough for me”
It’s hard to hide insecurities. Confidence, listed as one of the more attractive traits to both genders, can be hard to maintain. Assurance about the fact that you don’t have expectations for your significant other to change can do wonders for their confidence.
When stated spontaneously, telling someone that their intricacies are lovable and desirable has the ability to cultivate an even higher level of confidence.
“I need you”
I previously wrote about why telling a woman she’s needed is hard for men to admit. To need someone is to place them on a pedestal. They occupy a space in your life in which you’re connected to them beyond the physical.
That feeling can’t be replaced, nor can it be copied. To utter these words is to acknowledge that their existence enriches your life. And if someone isn’t enriching your life, what are you really doing?
“You inspire me”
It’s rare to be impressed by a person. In this day and age, so many people emulate what they think is attractive or sexy or popular. I’m guilty of this. When in a relationship, your significant other should encourage you to seek the best version of you.
It can be tangible traits like commitment to service or being hard-working. Other times, it’s watching them maintain integrity in rough situations or seeing their determination to elevate professionally. To be inspired by the one you love is a compliment that holds the same value as love and respect.
Communicating appreciation is underrated in relationships. Many people prefer to show love through action. And that’s perfectly fine! However, never underestimate how paramount it is to include your words as you’re building a fruitful and happier future relationship. Your words can bless your future if you believe in them.
BMWK, what other phrases can help improve your relationship?
James Woodruff writes from the perspective of a struggling Christian in his thirties. You can follow his journey, 30s and Beyond, at https://30sandbeyond.wordpress.
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