Recently, a close friend of mine told me, “girl, I don’t know how you do it?” I told her that some days I don’t know how I do it either. The truth is, there are so many moms out there who are just like me—focused on raising happy, well-rounded kids while juggling multiple responsibilities and trying to make your dreams a reality. Doing it all really is no joke.
Maybe you have a demanding career outside of the home and you are trying your best to get that promotion. Maybe you are an entrepreneur and the late nights are tough. Maybe you homeschool your kids but you also have a few passions you are trying to pursue. Maybe you are a caregiver to an aging parent and it’s taking a toll. Whatever the case, you feel like you are hustling hard and sometimes the hustle is a bit too much to handle.
Putting your all into motherhood, while still giving everything else that matters your best, is no easy feat. Moms often find themselves experiencing burnout and they aren’t quite sure what the next step should be. I know because I have been there. I have had moments where I’ve wondered if the hustle is worth it—moments where I ask myself if my dream is just too big to manage.
But, with prayer and some serious reflection, I’ve realized that the size of my dream is not the issue. The issue has been the way I’ve been managing my life and my time. Once I realized that, and also spoke to a few friends who have children and are in the midst of their own hustle, I realized that by changing my mindset and implementing a few strategies, I can keep hustling and keep it together. These are a few secrets that are working well for me. I’d love to hear what you do to stay sane while you stay on your grind.
- Ask for help. I think a lot of women have a hard time asking for help. The thing is, without help it is ten times harder to accomplish your goals and still keep your life in tact. It doesn’t matter if it’s your husband, your mother, your friends, or even your kids—ask for help when you need it. It makes all the difference.
- Pray and meditate. Everyone needs some peace and quiet so they can connect with a higher power. Without it, the noise becomes so overwhelming it can drown out your inner voice. Taking the time to reflect and pray allows you to truly listen to what’s in your heart… without all the noise.
- Let something go. Doesn’t it seem like we can never let anything go because it’s all so important? I know, because I have felt the same way. But there are times where you have to be real and realize that something has to give. Do your kids really need to be involved with so much? Is the stress from that 3rd side hustle really worth the extra money you make from it? Ask yourself a few hard questions and you will realize that you can definitely let something go (maybe even a few things).
- Make self-care an absolute priority. I know this may sound cliché, but it’s the honest truth. Moms who do the best job at keeping things together know how to take care of themselves. Manicures, working out, eating right—the list goes on and on. Trying to hustle as hard as you can while constantly putting yourself last just won’t work as a long-term plan. Ultimately, you will suffer if you go that route.
- Nurture relationships. Life can get so busy that we forget to connect with people, return phone calls and truly nurture relationships, both old and new. However, the time it takes to nurture the relationships in my life is a worthy investment because those people end up being my cheering squad when I feel like giving up.
BMWK – what tips do you have for keeping it together while hustling hard?
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