If you are familiar with biblical principles in marriage, then you have heard the call to husbands. We are called to do what Jesus did for His bride, the church. We are to love our wives like Jesus loved the church.
Today, Good Friday, is the day remembered as the day Jesus died for his bride. But what does that mean we are to do for our wives? Are we not doing what Jesus did in marriage if we do not physically die to save her life? How do we love our wives as Christ loved the church?
Jesus shows us how to have a great marriage
No, we do not have to physically die to love our wives like Jesus loved the church. We can still do what Jesus did, and when we do our marriages will be lasting, powerful, and a great example for other marriages. Just like the relationship between Jesus and the church.
If your desire is to grow a better relationship with your wife, and to have a better marriage, I encourage you to do what Jesus did in your marriage.
5 Ways Husbands Can Do What Jesus Did…in Our Marriages
- He gave up what was most important for Him, when it conflicted with what was best for her. Jesus made the ultimate sacrifice, His life. His life was important, probably more important than anything we are holding onto. If you are a Bible reader, you will notice the conflicting emotions he had while praying in the Garden of Gethsemane. He didn’t want to die, but He knew doing so would be the greatest blessing for His wife.
- He constantly built her up and His relationship with her made her look even better. There was never a time when Jesus was not encouraging and building up the church. It was how He operated, and in doing so He made the church look better. The Bible says He made the church look radiant. Husbands, we should constantly encourage our wives and the result will be beautiful.
- He took her with Him and there was never a doubt she was His. When Jesus’ ministry began in the Bible, everything He did was for the church. He taught and preached constantly. If you saw Jesus in Jerusalem He represented His bride. If you saw him in the wilderness, with temptation, He represented His bride. He left no doubt who His bride was.
- He left her in a great position when He died. I have heard countless stories of a husband dying, and the family was completely unprepared and it is traumatic on top of their grief. When Jesus died He left the church in a great position. He prepared disciples for this time so they could continue sharing the message, and He left them with a resource that would meet their needs and comfort them. He left the Holy Spirit.
- He covered His wife, by praying for her. I am a firm believer that marriage is harder than it needs to be when we do not pray for and with our wives. I have made this mistake, and still struggle with consistency. Jesus constantly prayed. At the heart of His prayers was His bride. He prayed with the disciples, and He prayed alone. Husbands, prayer with and for our wives should be non-negotiable in our marriages.
Good Friday everyday
As husbands, when we constantly do what Jesus did…in our marriages, we can make more of our days Good Fridays. I don’t know about you, but when I think of what Jesus did on Good Friday, it touches me deeply. I know I am loved.
When your wife sees you loving her like Christ loved the church, she will be touched deeply. She will know she is loved. [Tweet this]
BMWK Family — What impact will this have on your marriage? Please share in the comment section below.
Chris W. says
This is a very inspiring article! I am looking for better ways to show my wife that I am hers and this was a perfect example of the direction I want to go in thank you!
Bursa Sat?l?k Konut says
Today, Good Friday, is the day remembered as the day Jesus died for his bride. But what does that mean we are to do for our wives?