With the Braxtons and Sinbad both debuting their reality shows last week, it got me thinking about the shows I’d REALLY like to see, but probably won’t. I know super successful couples (both in their work life and home life) generally have no interest in opening up their homes to the world and inviting the super critical eye of America into their living rooms (and bedrooms). Most of them are too busy maintaining a home and raising their kids to be bothered with camera crews, interviews, and the constant scrutiny of the media and viewers.
But even with all that, there are a few couples I’d love to see on their own reality show. With shows like Basketball Wives or Real Housewives of ATL, I feel like there needs to be a balance – and who better to provide one?
1) Denzel and Pauletta. Everyone knows how much I love this couple. They are the epitome of Hollywood royalty, yet I don’t think I’ve heard more than a peep about their marriage. They look fly together on the red carpet but how do they make it work in their day-to-day life?
2) Beyonce and Jay-Z. So many people are still hating calling their marriage a business arrangement. But I saw Beyonce’s “I Am…World Tour” DVD and the excitement in Bey’s face when she was counting down the days until she saw her boo. That love is real. I’d love to see a quick glimpse into their life, as they are two of the hardest working folks in show biz. How do they manage to stay connect between recording sessions, tours, performances, etc?
3) Angela Bassett and Courtney B. Vance. Love these two ever since I read their book, “Friends: A Love Story” a few years back. I feel their love is genuine and would love to see more of their lives.
4) Tamia and Grant Hill. Not that this means anything, but when pressed about which NBA husband was most likely to be faithful to his wife, Shaunie O’Neal named Grant Hill at the top of the list. Like I said, who cares about what she thinks, but the all-around feeling about Grant Hill is that he’s a great guy. With his wife’s MS and their young kids, how do they make it work? I’d tune in weekly for that one.
5) Chris Rock and Malaak Compton-Rock. I would hope that Chris Rock is as funny in real life as he is onstage and in movies, but who knows? All I know is it would be awesome to see more of his wife, Malaak, as she continues to prove herself a very active philanthropist.
6) Lamar and Ronnie Tyler. I’m only halfway joking with this one. But BMWK family, wouldn’t it be dope to see how the Tylers work and operate? Four kids, new-ish move to Georgia, three (and counting) films, cross-country travel – and they STILL have time for romance? I’d be sitting in front of the TV (or computer…’cause you know that’s how they roll) with a notepad and pen, nudging my husband in the ribs saying, “Honey…Honey! Do you see that? We should try that.”
This is all in fun – any couples you would like to see?
Tara Pringle Jefferson is a freelance writer, blogger and PR professional living in Ohio with her husband and two kids. She’s also Managing Editor of BlackAndMarriedWithKids.com. Follow her on Twitter or check out her blog for her insights on what it means to be a mom, wife, student, writer, and about three other labels she’s too tired to remember.
I like J and Bey as a couple too, as well as Grant and Tamia. I know it will never ever happen, but I would be front and center to get a glimpse of the Obama’s behind closed doors! I love them as a couple.
@Yana – You would think that there would be a reality show once they leave office. All that footage? It’s a goldmine….
I’d love to see snippets. I’m not sure I’d love to see all of it though. It’s what keeps the interest.
I’d love to see snippets. I’m not sure I’d love to see all of it though. It’s what keeps the interest.
@Yana – You would think that there would be a reality show once they leave office. All that footage? It’s a goldmine….
@Yana – You would think that there would be a reality show once they leave office. All that footage? It’s a goldmine….
I don’t think you’d want to try any of this Tara LOL.
@Lamar – You mean I couldn’t be like, “Honey, look how Lamar is doing the laundry, unprompted?” LOL
@Lamar – You mean I couldn’t be like, “Honey, look how Lamar is doing the laundry, unprompted?” LOL
@Lamar – You mean I couldn’t be like, “Honey, look how Lamar is doing the laundry, unprompted?” LOL
I don’t think you’d want to try any of this Tara LOL.
I don’t think you’d want to try any of this Tara LOL.
I would tune in for all the couples mention. I would also like to see Will & Jada. And I am with Yana and would love a glimpse of the Obama’s. Shoot I would watch anything that would show black love and marriage in a positive light.
@Mrs.Blue – Exactly! I had high hopes for shows in the past, but I’ve been disappointed over and over. I thought about Will and Jada but their show would quickly morph into a “Run’s House” type of show, with Jaden and Willow making moves, too now.
@Mrs.Blue – Exactly! I had high hopes for shows in the past, but I’ve been disappointed over and over. I thought about Will and Jada but their show would quickly morph into a “Run’s House” type of show, with Jaden and Willow making moves, too now.
@Mrs.Blue – Exactly! I had high hopes for shows in the past, but I’ve been disappointed over and over. I thought about Will and Jada but their show would quickly morph into a “Run’s House” type of show, with Jaden and Willow making moves, too now.
I would tune in for all the couples mention. I would also like to see Will & Jada. And I am with Yana and would love a glimpse of the Obama’s. Shoot I would watch anything that would show black love and marriage in a positive light.
I would tune in for all the couples mention. I would also like to see Will & Jada. And I am with Yana and would love a glimpse of the Obama’s. Shoot I would watch anything that would show black love and marriage in a positive light.
I would love to see Spike Lee & Tonya Lewis Lee
Great couple. That would be awesome to see!
Great couple. That would be awesome to see!
Great couple. That would be awesome to see!
I would love love to see Angela Bassett and Courtney B Vance. I have always loved her and love them as a couple, especially after reading their book .
I think I would opt for a real couple, like my parents who have been married for 56 years!!! How did they make it with infidelity, a child outside of marriage, death of two children, a bunch of grandkids and still manage such love, poise and dignity? Now that’s a show!!!LOL Or before he passed away, Ossie and Ruby Dee; or Bill and Camille Cosby…How do you sustain a relationship for the LONG hall…LOL
I agree 100%. I am interested in the people who have made it over the long haul. I am also interested in “regular” couples. Celebrities don’t really live in the same world the rest of us do. That is not a knock. But Denzel and Will’s challenges won’t necessarily be my challenges and vice versa.
@T. Rogers – I don’t think celebrities have the same challenges that “regular folk” do, but at times, I think that’s the point. Maybe their lives are closer to ours than we think. With Courtney B. Vance and Angela Bassett, for example, is she the more visible of the two? How does he deal with that, as they are both in the same profession? With Grant Hill and Tamia, they deal with keeping their marriage intact through injuries, extensive travel, sickness, health, all that jazz. I wouldn’t want to watch a show about “Oh, wow, they’re trying to figure out where to install an elevator in their house,” but seeing how much dedication it takes to be an NBA player AND an active participant in the household (or if that’s even possible)…I think that could be inspiring.
Like, for instance, when I see pictures of President Obama leaving a parent-teacher conference. It’s like, “There are no excuses for parents, if the leader of the U.S. makes it to see his kids’ teachers.”
I’m just hungry for positive images. Everywhere. 🙂
Great commentary!! I would like to see Bill and Camille Cosby during the younger years and then fast forward them to their now years. A transition from work and family to enjoying life and the harvest of the all the seeds sown over the years.
Great commentary!! I would like to see Bill and Camille Cosby during the younger years and then fast forward them to their now years. A transition from work and family to enjoying life and the harvest of the all the seeds sown over the years.
I love these couples too, I just don’t think there is enough drama in their lives to support a show. You know how people love drama – that is why Nene Leakes may be getting her own talk show!
@Qalil – Exactly! I’m trying to figure out why over-the-top drama sells so much. I mean, I get it. It’s the tension that draws you in each week. But like you said, why can’t we see struggles or challenges or heck, just plain ol’ positivity – no drama necessary? I’d like to see a series…just a half hour to an hour special on each of these couples we’ve named. And then it’s over. We leave ’em alone.
There are so many other inspiring beautiful black married couples in addition to the ones listed here. Tisha and Duane Martin, Holly Robinson-Peete and Rodney Peete, Alfrie Woodard and her husband. C.C H Pounder and her husband, Shanice and Flex Alexander. Just off the top of my head.
It breaks my heart when I think about the current state of marriage and especially Black marriage. When one of us is hurting, then we are all hurting. We have got to find a place of accountability to eachother. If we don’t make “Us” a priority…….who will?
Hey I like Sinbad and his family reality show. I find the Braxton family show to be all abut Tamar and her .. needs to become a Star. Tamar is so selfish. And yes i belieive Toni should pay her sisters when they sing backup for her. If she hired backup singer to preform with her she would have to pay them. Sisters should not have to work for free. 🙂
I like that Sinban and his wife has remarried and working on getting things together. I would like to see Sinban in a show or stand up comedy. Maybe he should have a show called the next comedian, starring new and young comedian trying to get in the business. I want to know where the name sinban came from?
And for NeeNee Leach she’s just to loud. I stopped watching Atl housewives way to much drama, NY housewives, NJ housewives, Orange Cty Housewives. I’m over the housewives realities show circus.
I would love to see (some) beautiful couples, but not Jay-Z and Beyonce’ Anyway, if any producers continue with more of the couples reality shows, please don’t cheapen the characters! It seems with the reality shows, such as Housewives, all they do is catfight, backbite and maintain a slutty high-priced lifestyle. Nasty mouths, and nasty behaviors. I hope that is just for ratings…but when they come on I choose to watch the weather channel. In the beginning of the Housewives startup, they did have a few skits where they showed some of the philanthropic work some were involved in, but after that, “ughh” and “yuck”