Brothers listen up, the ladies have spoken and the majority agree, your facial hair just does something to us! In addition to looking good, this month those mustaches and beards actually speak to a men’s movement we’re all talking about.
The movement is “Movember,” an annual event encouraging men to grow out their mustaches and beards for cancer awareness. The goal of the movement, which has taken place every November since 2003, is to raise awareness of men’s health issues such as depression and prostate cancer, and increase early cancer detection. To find out more or to take the challenge, visit
Ladies are loving this particular cause because it helps save our men while also blessing us with something aesthetically pleasing to lay eyes on. There is just something hella sexy about a man who takes pride in his grooming and wears his facial hair well. But don’t just take my word for it, here’s what a few of my friends had to say:
“I like facial hair as long as it is groomed. I think it adds dimension and depth to a man’s face.”—Angela
“Yes, if it’s groomed. I think it’s super sexy. It’s a preference.” —Barbara
“I like a small amount of facial hair—not caveman and unruly. It’s a distinction between men and boys; [it] adds more maturity to the look of a man.” —Chanice
“I like facial hair BUT I prefer that it be closely cut (goatee-style). I think close cut style facial hair gives a man a well-groomed, ‘MANLY’ look.” —Yolonda
“I love it. It looks mature and sexy.” —Tanya
“Yes, I love facial hair on men because it makes them look mature, a little rugged and totally sexy. When the facial hair is kept groomed and looking clean, it’s so attractive.” —Dilaun
“I looooooove facial hair especially when it’s groomed! It’s so sexy and manly.” —Ralsheene
“I like it when it’s nice and neat, but not if it’s rough and crunchy looking. Makes me think of a werewolf when it’s rough looking.” —Tracy
“I love facial hair when a man keeps it groomed it’s so very sexy.” —Brenda
“I LOVE facial hair…especially on men in their 40’s …it makes them look like distinguished gentlemen.” —Shaliya
“Well, it makes them look masculine to me. I love a man with facial hair. It’s very distinguished and worldly. And don’t let him smoke a pipe, it just adds to the fact that he’s a lady man.” —Gwen
“Yes, I love facial hair on men! I find it to be such an attractive quality when it’s well groomed.” —Roxanne
“Neatly groomed facial hair is super sexy. And don’t let him smell extra good…. Total turn on.”— Crystal
“Doesn’t matter either way, but I agree if he does have it, it needs to be neatly groomed. I actually like when he changes every so often.” —Tanesha
“Yes, I definitely like facial hair especially if it’s neatly groomed. It makes a man have a distinguished look, which is very sexy to me.” —Genia
“Facial hair represents a certain maturity that separates the boys from the men.” —Jessica
“I like facial hair on a man. To me, men who have facial hair look more distinguished.” —Andriea
“My perspective on men’s facial hair is that it all depends on the man; some look okay, better or extra fine with it. I prefer that it be neat and clean, I do not like the extra straggly look.” —Maya
“Only if it’s groomed properly (lined-up, shaped and neat) it makes them look more distinguished, manly and strong.” —Elizabeth
“I do love facial hair on a man. I think a man with a WELL-GROOMED goatee is super sexy. LOL.” —Ita Sca
“Yes I like facial hair. …it’s a distinguished and sexy look.” —Zamelia
“I do like a man with facial hair, the full beard all the men are wearing is very nice looking on a man. It makes them look real handsome. Not having one makes them look boyish, or a little teenage to me. I prefer a full beard, more manly to me.” —Tiffany
“I LOVE facial hair on my man! It gives him a certain sexiness that can’t be described.” —Ericka
“Yes, as long as it is neat and maintained and it doesn’t look like they have facial alopecia (meaning it’s spotty) and if they don’t use that black dye to make it look fuller; [it] must be all natural like they prefer our booty and breasts.” —Tekorah
Brothers, you heard it hear first. That facial hair matters. However, what matters even more is your health. Get those physicals and encourage your friends to do the same. We need you! Again, to learn more about Movember, visit
BMWK ladies, do you prefer men with facial hair or without?
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