By: Phil Stevens
The Confederate Flag.
It is, without a doubt, a blatant slap in the face to the African American community.
Yet, family and descendants of Confederate soldiers who served in the Civil War argue that the flag is a symbol of their heritage, their history. Others dispute it carries a symbol that is irrefutably linked to hate, racism and white supremacy groups.
The Confederate Flag has been compared to the Swastika.
The Nazi Swastika now represents the horrific genocide of the Jewish culture. Before Hitler turned it into something ugly, it was a symbol that meant “good fortune” or “well-being”.
Does the Confederate flag represent 400 years of cruel and sickening treatment of the African Americans? Yes! However, others still others argue that the flag actually stands for the Southern states’ attempt to keep the Republic together from the Northern States, hence the Civil War.
Whenever I hear anyone arguing for slavery, I feel a strong impulse to see it tried on him personally. (Abraham Lincoln)
Watch this haunting story about the cruelty which was slavery and the mindset of the slaves as they chose to survive their current conditions or run for freedom. In the end, very ill-equipped for the real world.
No Hiding Place from Bed Head Media on Vimeo.
It hurts. It’s offensive. It’s a reminder of the cruelty that was slavery.
- Selling innocent human beings
- Beating them to death or near death
- Separating families just to sell them as if they were cattle
- Sexually assaulting and raping our women over and over again,
- Forcing us to live in conditions no human should ever be subject to
Slavery was WRONG and NOTHING that even vaguely promotes that era should be honored or idolized.
We have come so far as a country to be a nation that doesn’t see color, forgives the past and moves forward.
The Confederate Flag, in my opinion, is an anchor to a horrific past that hinders us from advancing ahead toward equality.
BMWK family, do I have a point?
Phil Stevens is a Christ follower, happily married father, filmmaker, producer, writer & actor. Creator of Marriage Pressure Points, a film series and marriage community based on a proactive, honest, loving and graceful approach to marital conflict. His heart is to make God proud and collaborate with amazing people to make healthy – every marriage he can.
Sharron M says
Well done!!! All AA sistas and brothas should read this article. Keep up the great work!