Note: This story discusses a pregnancy loss in detail and is a part of a series. Click here to read the previous entry. My two best friends went away to get me a large White Mocha from Starbucks as I had totally cut caffeine out of my diet, along with a large cupcake. By the time they returned, I had Charley Horses in my abdomen. After about 2 hours, she came out still … [Read more...]
How Building Something With My Spouse Makes Me Feel so Good
My husband went to Costco and came back home with a ridiculously large box. I was excited that he wanted to buy a bike because a few summers ago we would take daily family bike rides together. All of our bikes were stolen which put an end to the family bike rides. Once he opened the box, there were only a few recognizable pieces namely the handlebars and the wheels. "Would … [Read more...]
Road to Reproduction: The Cradle Will Fall
NOTE: This piece describes a pregnancy loss in detail. I was a pro at checking in to the ER, as this was my third visit during my pregnancy. I wanted to inquire about frequent visitor prizes. It was about 10:00 p.m. on December 8, 2011. “Brown blood” during pregnancy is fine because it’s old. This time there was “red” blood which is always a red flag because it is usually a … [Read more...]
How I Met My Husband Online
I used to be a digital skeptic. My nickname is Analog Girl after all. Ten years ago, I even lugged around a paper planner, feverishly flipping through pages to schedule appointments. I even refused to purchase an E-reader because I felt like there was nothing comparable to holding an actual book and marking in the margins. That all changed one night after reading his … [Read more...]
The Road to Reproduction: A New Womb Mate
Every woman is taught that everything is fine with your pregnancy once you make it past the first trimester. My name is Donnie Smith and I'm a wife, High School English Teacher, scrapbooker and a stepmother. I'm also a dreamer, a planner and a recovering worry addict. My husband Che "Rhymefest" Smith is a grammy-award winning writer, hip hop artist and a community activist. He … [Read more...]
10 Activities that will Cure Summer Boredom
There is always a huge rush for summer but then less than a week into it the kids start bickering and screaming your name every 10 minutes. Here are ten activities you can do to cure the boredom blues: Teach them how to play a game you played as a kid. I taught my step daughter how to play “cartoon freeze tag” a game that is just like regular tag except you have to scream … [Read more...]
The Problem with Chicago’s School Closings
At the end of this year my city, Chicago is closing a total of 49 Elementary Schools which is the largest in the city’s history. The largest source of revenue for the district, 40% comes from local sources (mostly local property taxes). The state provides 31% of funding via the general state aid (GSA), based on a complicated formula set by the state legislature and finally the … [Read more...]
5 Things to Consider When Choosing a School For Your Child
A great school is so much more than fresh paint and new computers. Don't get caught up in thinking that a school with well-behaved children is a good school. Good behavior does not mean that students are actually learning. Many parents get caught up in the physical appearance of the school without considering other options. Look for these 5 things when choosing a … [Read more...]
No Son, You Cannot Be A Rapper!
My family lives, eats & breathes hip hop because my husband Rhymefest is a Grammy-award winning hip-hop artist & writer. If Jay Harris, who recently turned down his full scholarship to Michigan State to pursue a rap career were my son, we’d have to have a “heart to art.” Most young men who want to be either athletes or rappers, want to do so for two reasons. The … [Read more...]