Caleb and Andriea Ishman who form the music group ISH open up about what it’s like to record and perform music together.
Names: Caleb and Andriea Ishman (ISH)
Place we call home: Chicago, IL
How we met:
We met on I was looking to start a band in Indianapolis, and ran across Caleb’s profile. There was a photo of him sitting behind a set of drums, and since I needed a drummer, I sent him a message. He will tell this next part differently, but the truth is, he sent me his phone number and asked me to call him. I did, and he told me that he would help as much as he could, and invited me out to see his band play. I went, and he laid eyes on
me and fell in love. He called me every day after that, and we hung out a lot, and started singing together. The rest is history.
We may need an immediate retraction! Andriea did reach out to me and I did invite her to an open mic event that I was a part of. There couldn’t have been love at first sight”...She came with her boyfriend! I believe my singing is what got her. We did connect immediately and we tell everyone that music truly brought us together.
How has recording music together affected your marriage?
Music brings us closer together. Since we both share a passion for the art of music, it’s impossible for us to be at odds with each other when we’re engaged in something we love so much. I love what we create together. The process is so much fun. We get excited about making new songs, bouncing ideas off of each other, and writing together. Knowing that we’ve created something that will ultimately help someone or bring someone happiness is fulfilling.
I am already a fan of Andriea’s songwriting and musical ability so when we record I have to bring my “A” game. We don’t always see eye to eye when we work, but our goal is always the same: to present the best, genuine product we can and to do it with love so we always work things out. The passion we share for music is actually therapeutic. There have been times when we have argued, sometimes before a show, and the fact that we are doing something we love makes us realize there is something much greater between us than our petty arguments.
If you could record with any artist who would it be and why?
I would love to record a ballad with one of my greatest influences, the great Stevie Wonder. His songwriting is what I aspire to. I’m sure Andriea would jump at the chance to work with her idol, Mrs. Beyoncé!
As much as I love Beyoncé, I don’t think I would be able to speak, let alone sing with her. I would jump at the opportunity to record with Miss Jill Scott. She has a beautiful voice and the most clever melodies and lyrics. It would be a fun experience, I’m sure.
What advice would you give to other dating or married couples?
Since we’ve only been married for 2 ½ years, our advice is minimal. I would say just have fun. You should already be friends, so that shouldn’t be hard to do. It can be difficult blending two different ways of living, but if you believe early on that neither one of you are going anywhere, you’ll figure out a solution so that the two of you can live in harmony. Caleb and I laugh every day. Sometimes, if we’re mad at each other, we forget when something funny happens,because we’re so used to laughing together.
Being newlyweds, I had to learn from personal experience to cherish her at all times. And I would advise the fellas not to rest on your last good thing in your relationship. Always work to keep your partner happy. We are actually working on a song about that. Find your own Pineapple Tuesday to keep your relationship exciting!
Here’s their latest single “The Vows”
Purchase their latest album on iTunes.
they are cool
Caleb! Congrats to you on our marriage and music! I was in the GT program with you for several years so I got to witness your many talents early on. So happy for you two! A. Allen
I Love the song! Very cool