BMWK: I love it! Myself included. Is there anything else that you guys want to share? Any news? Do you guys have a wedding date
Keri: We do have a date: May 9th.
BMWK: Alright. Anything else you want to share with the BMWK family on love or second chances?
Taye: I guess it’s the big thing I was telling Lamar. You just heard her going through her grievance with the passing of her daughter. And with our past divorces, I think we both came out of situations where we did it wrong. We actually can both say – putting that dirt out there – we both came in feet first and we didn’t do it by the owner’s manual.
You know how like a lot of people buy a brand new television? Most people just open the box, put the batteries in the remote and cut it on and go to town. It’s rare that you go back and read the owner’s manual as to how to respectively use your television. So, when it comes times to troubleshoot, that’s when we actually pull out the manual. Well, sometimes, that’s a little too late and I think we both did that. I think with our situation now, we actually went by the owner’s manual, and I’m referring to the Bible. I didn’t just start dating her. We entered into a courtship. We started premarital classes while we were dating. The minister of the church told us that we were one of the highest rated couples on our individual assessments and I knew it! I knew it from my own 221 questions that I gave her, but it’s just good to get that affirmation.
I think the biggest thing that we will want people to know is sometimes you need to hit the reset button and do it the correct way. A lot of people believe that they’ve fallen into the culture. The culture is telling us that, hey, if you like somebody, sleep with him or her. If you like somebody and y’all are sleeping together, let’s move in. I’ll keep it real for men: Men, we’re getting it easy and that’s a big problem. That’s why a lot of men are not looking to commit because they feel like commitment would kill all the easy leeway they have.
You’ve got some guys who can tell a girl straight up, ‘Hey, I’m not ready to settle down yet, but I’m looking for somebody to kick it with’, and she’ll be like, ‘OK’. And that’s something men have been trying to negotiate for years! Women used to be like ‘you have to commit to me in order to get these benefits’. But now, we’ve been allowed to get these benefits without the commitment and it’s causing a sickness in our culture where a lot of people are not looking to commit. They’re just looking to just have ‘situationships’ rather than relationships. We want to show people that we went back to the owner’s manual and we did it the right way. It works, contrary to popular belief.
Sometimes, you gotta have faith. I think the biggest reason people are going into the situation route is there is no more trust.
Everybody is trying to avoid being hurt. I mean, I’ll admit – I was totally transparent with Keri. After coming out of the marriage I came out of, I was worried. Right now we’re going through the Black and Married with Kids Academy and we just did the Unpack Your Bag. One of the examples she gave, was me! I was like ‘man, somebody got over on me the first time’ so I was suspicious of anybody else getting over on me, but sometimes you gotta pray about it. If God led you to this person, and you truly believe God led you to this person, you can let down your guard. I feel like the reward was great!
Watch the VIDEO of Taye proposing to Keri here.
BMWK: Exactly. That’s powerful! Well, I’ve been married nine years and you guys have inspired me. So keep doing what you’re doing.
BMWK: Help us congratulate and send warm wishes to Taye and Keri as they prepare for their future together, by leaving a comment below.
Your story was very inspiring and gave me hope got my pen life. We have to put God first in our relationship or else it’s headed for doom. I pray that God continues to guide your relationship and he blessed your future union.
I agree Ebony! Thanks so much for stopping by!
Excellent!!! Pure inspiration!!! This is why I have considered the “statistics” about the shortage of eligible black men to be a hoax of sorts. When God does the matchmaking, stats don’t stand a chance.
“When God does the matchmaking, stats don’t stand a chance.” Ha! Yes indeed, say it again Renee!
Beautiful story. Congrats and God bless your union.
I love that Renee and I totally agree with you!
It was my pleasure to know Keri as a kind and loving mother to a very special daughter. Now to see her happy and smiling is wonderful and very heartwarming. You are a blessing to one another. Congratulations!
Their story is truly beautiful, very happy for them. Thanks so much for sharing Suzanne!
Taye!!!!! I am soooo happy for you and Keri! I’ve known Taye since we were freshmen in college at Auburn and I am so proud of Him. I’ve seen his relationship with God grow and I remember when he was getting ready to go in the trip from post on FB. I saw your engagement and was like “you GO Boy!” I pray God blesses you both wayyyy beyond measure and I pray God continues to grant all your heart desires. As you continue to be an inspiration to others just know “no good thing will the Lord withhold from those that walk upright” Keri you are so beautiful and I can tell very genuine. I’m sorry to hear about your daughter but so very happy that you didn’t give up on God and kept the faith..”and blessed is she that believed for there shall be a performance of those things which were told her from the Lord.” Taye is a AUsome guy and I can tell you are a wonderful woman beautiful inside and out. Beauty for ashes! Won’t HE do it?! Stay blessed ya’ll….Sincerely, Teda Chastang ????