Now what are dating sins? Lusting after this person, having sex before marriage, idolizing marriage, idolizing a person, putting God on the back-burner are just some examples of dating sins, and possibly marriage sins. You have to take some personal inventory and ask God in prayer to help you identify what triggers you to sin in your dating season. Going back on my own relationships, I realized that being alone with my date or boyfriend was a trigger for me to want to pursue physical intimacy with them. This means that if I want what God has for me, I have to respect myself and that person by establishing and keeping the proper boundaries, cutting the temptation off where it is.
If some of you have similar accounts, I can give a practical example. Instead of going to each other’s homes, keep your dates public. It’s also recommended to go out in groups or double date. Go out on more day-time dates, so you don’t feel those “Baby, it’s cold outside” feelings and invite temptation into your home. Sure, they may be the most respectful and sanctified person you’ve ever dated, but they are still human with human needs. Don’t encourage your date to sin when they are trying to keep it right with God; know your triggers.
In essence, whatever God has convicted you about in your past should be taken into consideration regarding your future. I’m talking about conviction and not condemnation (which again is a lie from the enemy). We are redeemed and forgiven even if we fall down over and over. If you know you’re sinning in dating though, beware of the consequences. Also remember that God always provides a way of escape from temptation; the Spirit within you is stronger than your hormones and feelings. We as singles have to develop our discipline and self-control because we’re going to need them for other aspects in life outside of marriage. If a successful marriage is something you want, you have to be willing to sacrifice those desires to do what you want to do and put into practice the right things to do.
BMWK: What are your personal temptation triggers? What causes you to sin in dating? If you don’t have an answer for these questions, take the time to do so before you start dating.
I love the message. But my god created these urges . Publicly I won’t knock the message because the world needs more of this. But I would love to have a conversation about it at another time. Continued success sis
What if you are a couple in early 50’s who were already having an intimate relationship but then got saved and joined church? Still a couple but not yet married still dating but new Christians how do you stop the urges in that situation?
Somebody please help