If you have recently committed your single journey to living a life of sexual purity or celibacy, I want to welcome you to the club! There are a number of people who are currently practicing celibacy, including celebrities like Super Bowl quarterback Russell Wilson and artist Ciara, who recently got engaged. I say, kudos to Ciara and Wilson for committing to keep their goodies … [Read more...]
Cutting Off Your Temptation Triggers in Dating
I never really gave the thought of withholding kissing ‘til my wedding day until I began to read and hear numbers of testimonies of couples who’ve done just that. For some, kissing is a physical and intimate act that leads minds to wander to places they shouldn’t as a single. For others, kissing leads to more physical expressions of intimacy, which again is not appropriate in a … [Read more...]
6 Ways to Effectively Manage Temptation
by Dr. Dwayne L. Buckingham I recently attended the viewing of Tyler Perry's most recent movie, "Temptation: Confessions of a Marriage Counselor" and I really enjoyed the storyline and message. The movie explored one of the most self-destructive evils that has caused suffering for mankind since the beginning of time - Temptation. Whether it is playing with infidelity, … [Read more...]
Monogamy In College? It Can Be Done
If I had a dollar for every time I've heard people say college isn't a suitable environment to maintain a relationship, I would probably be able to pay off my student loans. I used to think the same thing prior to meeting my boyfriend. Eventually, I found out it is indeed possible to maintain a steady monogamous relationship on a college campus. I have learned a lot from … [Read more...]