I asked my four year old what she wanted for Christmas, and she said she wanted a “tablet” and a new “DS handheld game system.” Aaaah…sure I am going to give my 4 year old a tablet. My 10 year said she wanted a “a new laptop” and some cooking classes. She can hold her breath waiting on that laptop. Our six year old, bless her heart for being reasonable, said she wanted a new game for her DS and some Barbie toys. And our 19 year-old
son man, let’s just say I already know whatever he’s ‘thinking’ that he is getting is very very expensive.
Although I want the kids to enjoy their Christmas, I will not be spending a small fortune trying to please them. So while they will be getting some of what is on their lists, I’m going to spend most of my energy trying to make sure that the they have a memorable holiday experience. That’s something that my mother had always done for my siblings and me….and it’s something that I plan to continue on with my kids.
But, I do think that I could do a better job of gift giving to my husband. We normally skip giving each other gifts and focus on the kids. But this year, I have been paying close attention to all of the things that he says he wants…but never gets (sacrifices) for the kids and me. So I know just what to do this year to show the one that I love how special he is to me.
The first year that Lamar spent Christmas Day with my family, he was pleasantly surprised. He thought he was going to my parent’s house for Christmas breakfast with my folks and siblings. But what he got was a house full of people that included not only my immediate family, but my aunts, uncles, cousins, and close family friends. On Christmas morning, we cook a huge Christmas breakfast, we enjoy each other’s company, we read the Bible to remind ourselves why we are celebrating Christmas, and we sing hymns and some Christmas songs…. And, oh yes….we exchange gifts too. We have a true fellowship with each other until the early afternoon. Lamar jokingly says we have ‘Church’ service on Christmas morning.
And that’s what I want my kids to want more than anything. I want them to be thankful to God for giving us his Son, I want them to look forward to the time we spend together during the holidays, and yes…I want them to have a little something off of their list. But they have lost their minds if they think I’m spending thousands of dollars on toys and electronics.
BMWK – What do your kids want for Christmas? Do they have very expensive gifts on their lists? How does your family spend Christmas Day?
Disclosure: This post is part of a series that is sponsored by Hallmark and the Life is a Special Occasion campaign. All opinions and editorial content expressed are my own.
Thank you for the article. I agree kids expectation are a bit crazy. My 8 year old daughter wanted a kindle fire for Christmas. Although she is a great kid and does exceptionally well on school spending $200 on 1 gift for a young child. I feel if we are spending money on expensive gifts at this early age it will only get worse. I will be buying her a car at 13 and a home at 18. So we are focusing on the real reason we celebrate Christmas and I think they will remember those memories than what they got when they were a child. My oldest daughter and I are also giving back this season and volunteering our time to feed the homeless on Christmas. I think it will give her a new perspective on life and she can see those less fortunate and appreciate the things she has and that matter, family, friends, shelter, food, and love. 🙂
This kids and I also give back each season….and I hope they continue this practice into their adulthood.
Thanks for writing this article. Not only do kids forget the true reason for the season, celebrating Jesus’ Birth,! adults also forget. With both my parents gone the holidays do not have the same meaning for me. But I try to make them as memorable as I can although I can’t throw down in the kitchen like Mama Fuller. LOL I now give ‘little gifts of love’ to everyone. Something special and memorable… Keep in mind I have a Bentley to save for so I can’t be spending thousands on gifts either Ronnie!… LOL
Hi Kirsten….I can’t seem to burn in the kitchen like my mom either…but I am trying and hopefully by the time my kids get grown I will have it down.
I am fortunate in that my girls don’t have alot of expensive things on their lists-one really really wants more playdough, and the other wants Minnie’s bowtique toys. This will be the first Christmas where we will be just at home – not in the hospital with a sick child, not travelling anywhere, so we are going to be trying out some things that may become traditions. We will definitely have a birthday cake for Jesus, and we will do a day of service at the local Ronald McDonald house.
I don’t have kids yet, but even I’ve noticed kids are going overboard. We told my 4 year old cousin we’d tell Santa to get him this F150 toy truck, but he said “Who’s Santa?” So looks like we have to consult with my uncle & aunt about how that’s going. He’s pretty practical, but he calls his mom’s iPad his, and he has an InnoTab for little people. Hard to get something for the kid who has everything. My friend’s 6 year old daughter wants her own iPad, so since my friend recently got the mini, and previously had the 1st generation iPad, she’s resetting it, getting a new case, and installing all kid apps for her, which I think is a great idea.