by Gwen Jimmere
Flashback to October 2009. If someone had told me then that a year and a half later I’d be a mother, I would have run away screaming at the top of my lungs with my arms flailing in the air.
You see, I was never the girl who dreamt of the day she’d be a mom. I’d only prematurely picked out baby names to keep from seeming like a freak to those who’d ask how many kids I wanted and what I planned to name them. I hate to say this, but in all honesty, other people’s kids annoyed the heck out of me (except for my nephews, but of course, I have a vested and biased interest in them). What, with the grocery store fall outs, constant screaming for McDonald’s, incessant crying over what seemed like nothing, and the unending “Mommy-I-want-every-toy-advertised-on-Nick-Jr.” tirades I’ve been privy to, I always knew a kid-free lifestyle was in the cards for me.
Back to October 2009. October 23, 2009 at 8:17pm to be exact. It was on this day and at this time that yours truly became an engaged woman. I had made it. I was soon to be a card carrying member of that elite club practically every woman dreams of. A far cry from one of the proverbial “poor, black, single woman” statistics that those Soledad O’Brien-hosted CNN specials like to portray. A legitimate order of “black and married” – but please hold the “with kids” part.
When I met my then-fiancee, he, too, indicated he wanted no parts of parenthood. Finally, I had met my soulmate. Not only was this guy perfect, but he was just like me — in one of the most important ways. No longer did I have to pretend to want kids “one day.” Instantly, I was given license to be honest and not be looked at like some kind of heartless Grinch.
At our engagement party, we played the “Newly-Engaged Game”, much like the standard Newlywed Game. One of the questions read, “How many kids does Endion want?” (Endion is my now-husband, by the way.) I answered with a staunch and assured, “None.” My mother-in-law snorted with a loud chuckle, as if she knew  something I didn’t. When he displayed his pre-written answer that read “None” (like I had said, thank you very much. I know my man, ya’ll), she ’bout died in her seat. I guess it was just unfathomable that anyone would not want to have children, ever. Maybe not at that particular moment in time, but never? Ever?
Anyhow, we planned our wedding for September 2010. Sent out save-the-dates, had the dress fitted, selected the venues — the whole nine yards. Now, fast forward a bit to April 2010.
I was pregnant.
Pregnant? No, this could not be. In my mind, I was thinking, “I do not want kids. I can’t have a kid now. I have a wedding in five months, and I’m already six weeks along. What about my dress? It’s not going to fit if I’m six and a half months preggo when I get married. We already sent out the save-the-dates and people have, well, saved the date. We can’t change it now. And Oh…my…God…I’ll be a pregnant bride. And wait…what happened to the Nuvaring I was using? My ob/gyn assured me it was foolproof! This cannot be happening to me. ”
After about five days, I finally gathered myself together and made some strategic planning moves. We were easily able to move the wedding up to July 2010 with relatively little issue. And as time went on, I got more and more excited about becoming a mom. So much so, that by the time my mother-in-law threw our baby shower for us in October of that year, I already had the nursery decked out and ready for my little man’s arrival.
Baby Caiden was supposed to arrive on Christmas Eve. In true Capricorn fashion, he decided to be stubborn and arrived two weeks later. Now that he’s here, I can’t even imagine a life without him. I know everyone thinks their kid is the cutest, but mine really is. I just adore him. For me, life before him is analogous to life before the internet – I can’t even remember what it was like or how it felt, nor would I ever in a million years want to go back. Everything about him is simply awesome to me. I could just stare at his little face for hours as he gazes back at me in amazement.
I have never felt so needed or so valued. I wonder what he’s thinking, which career path he’s going to take, if he’ll think I’m a cool mom, if he’s about to pee on me as I change his diaper. And I have a serious fear of leaving him in the next two weeks when I re-join the work force.
As I write this piece, he is sound asleep – a luxury I have little of these days. Even in my sleep-deprived state, I find it hard to believe that I didn’t want this. What was wrong with me? My good friend and matron-of-honor told me time and time again that once I had a child, my whole perspective would shift. Here I was thinking she was nuttier than a Payday candy bar.
And come to find out, other people’s kids aren’t so bad, after all.
Gwen Jimmere is an award-winning and nationally syndicated editor who authored the relationship manual for young women, If It Walks Like a Duck…and Other Truths My Mother Taught Me. She blogs about relationships, dating, marriage and parenting at The Duck Walk and works in social media/digital marketing for a Fortune 10 company.
Congrats Gwen!!!!! I’m not on fb right now so I feel so out of the loop. Glad to have an update on you. I know you’re a fab mommy! 🙂
Love this post… although, I’m still not a big fan of other people’s unruly kids.
this is basically my worst nightmare. Need to make that follow-up appointment for that tubal ligation… can’t be too careful! Thank you for posting your cautionary tale. #trustnobirthcontrol
Hahahaha The Nuvaring is definitely a joke. Never again. I fully intend to seek out an IUD or something once it’s time to get back on birth control. I love my baby and now that I have him, I will probably have one more in a few yrs. I really do love being a mom – so far. But I definitely do not need another “surprise” like that anytime soon.
Co-sign on the Nuvaring. LOL
how did your husband adjust from wanting none to daddy-to-be, to father?
Good question. He was all for it from the get go. And now he suddenly wants four kids! Where did this come from????
Good question. He was all for it from the get go when I told him I was pregnant. And now he suddenly wants to have three more! Where did this come from???? I think I’m going to have to pump the brakes at a total of two. lol
Just have a Brady Bunch since you’re now a kiddy believer and have crossed over. You’re def “one of them” now! LOL So…I’m the kidless remainder *sigh*…
My last meet up with Tara scared me away for a couple more years with the stories. O_O
Have you found the adjustment hard from being used to the “get up & go” lifestyle? I’m so active, I think that’s the only thing that scares me most. Selfish I know but babysitting for a weekend takes a lot of pre-planning for me so I know real life would seem so slow on a daily.
Truthfully, Jonesi, it’s not that big of a difference from pre-baby. I still get up and go wherever I feel like; it just takes a tad bit more planning in terms of making sure I have the baby’s diaperbag packed and an ample number of bottles for the time I’ll be out. If the urge to go to the mall strikes, my lil man and I go to the mall. I keep his stroller in the SUV, so all I have to worry about is him and his stuff. It also helps that I have the husband to take him when I need/want to go out by myself. I truly am thankful that I’m not in this alone.
We take road trips VERY often, usually at the spur of the moment (i.e. “I’m bored, you wanna somewhere? Let’s look at the map and pick a place.”). Caiden comes along for the ride with us. Again, just takes more planning, but we are still able to be spontaneous. We do not live in the same state as our families, so it’s not like we’re able to drop him off at grandma’s house all the time, but if we do go somewhere and pass through Cleveland, we’ll just call up one of our parents and see if they want to see him (which 100% of the time equals a “yes”), we drop him off and keep it moving to our destination. 🙂
Babysitters are also wonderful creations for date nights. I trust very few people with him, but I do have some friends who watch him for me when we need one on one time.
For me, so far, it’s not as hard as people make it out to be.
Jonesi, did I scare you? LOL. My bad.
Gwen – just keep on living. LOL. J/K. But I had a VERY rough time adjusting to motherhood AND adjusting again when I found out I was pregnant shortly after my daughter’s 1st birthday. So yes, schedule that birth control appointment sooner rather than later. LOL
Tara…YES!!! One particular story I will never forget lol. But I appreciate the honesty no doubt. Just gave me much to keep in mind as preparation. It didn’t make me not ever desire to me a mother. Lol…I will remind you of it offline 🙂
Gwen, that extremely reassuring. I am the queen of no plan. But I’m sure all does and will fall in place when the time comes. Being a mother just seems so far fetched still at this point in my life. Maybe because I have a 9yr old sister. But my siblings want me to have a baby so bad bribing with endless babysitting as an incentive lol. Gotta love them…
You all are hilarious. They should take that Nuvaring off the market. I just sent my Nuvaring baby to school today for the first time…
Thanks for this story!!! I never really thought about having children until I was told I wasn’t able to…but like the Nuvaring, it wasn’t right. I have always loved children but didn’t necessarily see myself as a mom, but now 5 kids later I wouldn’t trade it for the world. My husband and I have slowed down a lot, more so after #5, but I think some of that is with age and settling into our lives. We still go for the Sunday afternoon drive, a few trips to the movies, and plenty of mall outings.
When I read this, I thought it was me who wrote it! I felt the exact same way before I had my son, and feel the exact same way now that I’ve had him. Now I have a soft spot for other kids as well, they’re really not that bad and kids can actually be a lot of fun and keep you youthful! Great entry!