By: Jessica Taylor-Mosley
Psalms 23:4 says “Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil; for thou art with me; thy rod and thy staff they comfort me.”
We are living in a time where murders, child neglect, homelessness, depression, and even cheating have brought our hearts and minds to the darkest places.
Truthfully, people do whatever they feel big and bad enough to do. Maybe I didn’t list something that you are going through, but the news that I came to deliver is that God can handle “that” too!
Whatever your “that” is, we serve a God who can handle “that” too! And the problem you are facing has created another opportunity for God to show Himself mighty in your life! He is indeed The Master of every situation!
The Good News is that the bad news is wrong.
You may be reading this and may be thinking to yourself that I have no clue how hard it is for you right now. Sometimes people look at me and would never know that I have any problems; or better yet, have had any problems. And that could not be any further from the truth.
I’ve been through some of life’s extreme hardships:
- I’ve lived in a battered women’s facility after being beaten by someone who “loved” me
- I’ve slept in my car
- I lost a six figure income job
- I’ve been betrayed and turned on by so-called friends and family
So, I understand what it means to “walk through the valley of the shadow of death.”
- I know how it feels to cling to life with every breath inside you.
- I know how it is to wonder “if God is so good, why hasn’t He come to see about me?”
- I understand what it means to feel as if life has dealt you a ridiculously bad hand.
But, what I came to do in this article is to tear apart the lie of the enemy! I came to bring GOOD NEWS! And the good news is that the bad news is wrong!
God is concerned about whatever it is that you are concerned about! And you, yes you, are on the Mind of God! I am a living witness that there is no situation that you can get in that God cannot bring you out of!
Here are 3 ways your faith can help you face some of life’s gigantic challenges:
Acknowledge that you need God
Even when you go to the hospital, one of the first places that you go is the Admitting Room. You have to tell them what’s wrong with you. Well, it’s the same with God.
You must first acknowledge that there is a problem and that no one can help you BUT Him! “Here I am Lord. I need You and You ONLY!”
Pray and seek Him for guidance
You don’t have to be a professional prayer. Just be someone who is honest before God. I truly believe that humility gets you into God’s presence.
2Chronicles 7:14 says “If my people, which are called by name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land.”
Seek Godly Counsel
The Bible teaches us in Proverbs 11:14 that “in the multitude of counselors, there is safety.” Seek counsel from someone like your Pastor or a seasoned and mature member in your church.
When I committed to doing these three simple things, then joy, peace, and happiness returned in an amazing way in my life and they can do the same for you.
Now, all you have to do is WAIT ON GOD! Wait on God and watch Him work mightily on your behalf! Wait on Him because He is coming! But, while you are waiting, wait with a spirit of expectation and have a great attitude! “If you are willing and obedient, you will eat the good things of the land” Isaiah 1:19.
Jessica Taylor-Mosley is a woman truly after Gods’ own heart. She has a mandate on her life to see the women of God live their best life in Christ. She is a Master Cross Media Coach. She is a Published Author, Blogger, and Radio Host Personality for The Queen Esther Radio Show w/The Mosleys which airs every Wednesday 8pmEST to 10pmEST on IHeart Radio and The May We Help You Radio Network ( . You can connect with her on Facebook (Jessica Taylor Mosley).
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