1 Peter 3:1-2- Wives, likewise, be submissive to your own husbands, that even if some do not obey the word, they, without a word, may be won by the conduct of their wives, when they observe your virtuous conduct accompanied by fear.
- Do you have a spouse that doesn’t go to church or isn’t in the word of God?
- Is it frustrating?
- Do you constantly ask him/her to go to church only to be given a negative answer?
- Wondering what you should do?
I’m glad you asked. Below are four things you should do when your spouse isn’t in the Word.
Related: 5 Great men of the Bible your husband should know!
You should obey the Word.
How can you expect your spouse to obey if you don’t? Keep going to church. Your relationship with God is between you and God. You are still responsible for maintaining it so you cannot allow your spouse’s actions to hinder that.
Your spouse should see you continuing to go to church, reading the word, and doing what the word says so your actions may compel them to start going to church.
You should share what the Word says.
Tell your spouse what was shared at church. You can also open up about what you’ve read or learned. Be careful not to nag your spouse. Most times nagging will make your spouse run further away from church rather than toward it. You shouldn’t badger anyone into reading the word, going to church, or having a relationship with God. Instead refer to the next suggestion.
You should pray for your spouse.
The Bible says in James 5:16 – “the effectual fervent prayer of the righteous avails much.” Don’t give up on them or get tempted to leave the relationship. Prayer changes situations and only God can change someone’s heart.
Related: Everything changed after my husband prayed this prayer.
You should think and speak positively.
No matter what it looks like, keep believing your spouse will decide to have a relationship with God and go to church. If doubt creeps in, remember what the Word says and continue to speak it.
The above scripture references a husband not obeying the word, but I believe the same conduct will work for a wife who doesn’t go to church. Your spouse watches you, so if you want them to live the Word, you must live it as well. You will see that they will come to Christ without you saying anything.
BMWK family, are you in this situation where your spouse doesn’t have a relationship with God or doesn’t go to church? How are you handling it?
Great blog post and I totally agree. However people have to be careful to Not allow their spouse to pursuade them and negatively influence them to become a person that God is Not pleased with. They have to be very strong in their faith. In the bible in the book of Job, as Job was being tested and his wife encouraged him to deny God and serve the devil Job refused, and I’m sure if she left him, he let her go and continued to serve God. So if a spouse is unwilling to change, because God can only change those who submit to his will and are willing to change. God doesn’t force his will upon us ever, so if that spouse refuses to serve God then u have to go to God in prayer and seek God First and ask him what you should do. Whatever you do, don’t let a spouse that refuses to serve God push and influence you to do the same. And if they choose to walk away never compromise and sacrifice your morals and values and relationship with God for them. Don’t ever put your spouse before God, God must always come First no matter what.