Years ago when we moved to Atlanta, one of our first priorities was identifying a church home. We visited many churches during our search to make sure one main criterion was met. The church needed to have a strong marriage ministry which, in some ways, can be as effective as marriage counseling. We believed that marriage is a covenant between us and God. As a result, we … [Read more...]
Is Church a Safe Place to Talk About Your Marriage Challenges?
Church is thought to be a safe place. A place of learning, peace and spiritual guidance. However, is it a safe place to talk about your marriage challenges? Churches nowadays have specific ministries for married people. There are ministries set up specifically to meet the needs of husbands and wives. They usually offer monthly or quarterly marriage workshops and various … [Read more...]
5 Best Places to Meet a Saved and Single Man in 2016
Okay, so lets be honest. The place to meet a good man, let alone a Godly man is becoming more and more challenging. On each of our trainings we do with singles, this is the biggest complaint we have. Where are all the good, saved, and single men at? As a male, I can reassure you they are out there you just need to be in the right place in order to be found by them. A … [Read more...]
So Your Spouse Doesn’t Go to Church? Here Are 4 Godly Ways to Practice Your True Religion
1 Peter 3:1-2- Wives, likewise, be submissive to your own husbands, that even if some do not obey the word, they, without a word, may be won by the conduct of their wives, when they observe your virtuous conduct accompanied by fear. Do you have a spouse that doesn’t go to church or isn’t in the word of God? Is it frustrating? Do you constantly ask him/her to go to … [Read more...]
Lucky 7: The Sex Secrets You Won’t Hear About in Church
Let me begin by saying that I am a full time pastor with close to 10 years in ministry; so my perspective of the things you will not hear in church comes from me spending the majority of my life listening to thousands of sermons. In any sermon on marriage, you will hear the token things when it comes to sex. Sex is important for an healthy marriage; some ministers will even … [Read more...]
How I Told My Wife I Was No Longer a Christian
Before my wife and I were married, we asked each other what was the biggest fear we had about one another. My fear was she would be too indecisive, and would not be satisfied with the choices she made throughout our life together. Her largest fear about me was that I wasn’t Christian enough for her ideals of a husband and a family leader. Through the years our fears played … [Read more...]
Oldest African American Church in Atlanta Closes Doors
Friendship Baptist Church of Atlanta, Georgia held its last service this past Sunday, after over 150 years in existence. The church is moving to make way for a new stadium for the Atlanta Falcons. The church was built in 1862 and it is also the historic building where Spelman College's first classes were held. On Sunday, more people than usual flocked to the church to hear … [Read more...]
10 Interesting Historical Marriage Facts, #6 May Surprise You
Do you ever wonder what marriage was like in the past? Do you know how marriage came to be or why the wedding ring is worn on the left hand? Listed below are some interesting historical facts about marriage from different cultures that may surprise you. 1. Marriage can be traced back to St. Paul who compared marriage between a man and woman to the relationship between Jesus … [Read more...]
4 Ways Christian Parents Fail Their Children
Proverbs 22:6 Train up a child in the way he should go, And when he is old he will not depart from it. Many of the parents in my church growing up I’m sure believed they were doing exactly what this scripture teaches---laying a strong foundation of faith for their children. As I grew up, however, I witnessed many of my peers in church, and myself at times, fall privy to sex, … [Read more...]
5 Things to Do If Your Spouse Won’t Come to Church
By Desiree S. Coleman In all marriages, unity is the ultimate goal. And being on one accord is fundamental for strong relationships. For people who are deeply committed to their faith, having spiritual connectedness is also an important part of marital unity. So, what happens when one party does not share the same commitment level as their spouse when it comes to … [Read more...]
African-American Pastors Issue A “Call to Action†To Combat Declining Marriage Rates And Fatherlessness
By Edward C. Lee The African American church has long been the launching pad for lasting social, political and economic change in and for the African American community. From the days of slavery on through the Civil Rights movement, the church has been the most consistent voice of change and hope of unity to address concerns facing our community. It was announced last … [Read more...]
Going Through the Motions
by Ronnie Tyler Me: "Don't eat any food or drink anything until you have said your grace." Daughter: " God is great and God is good. Let us thank Him for our food. Amen. Thank you, Jesus" She said that as fast as she could and I think she was already chewing by the time she finished saying Jesus. Me: "Say the entire thing and don't rush. You should say your grace … [Read more...]
Single On Sunday Morning: Why Are So Many Husbands Absent From Church?
by Aja Dorsey Jackson By now you've no doubt heard stories, posts and complaints about the many men that don't attend church with their wives on Sunday mornings. My husband is one of those men. While we were dating and engaged he attended church with me relatively often, maybe a couple of times a month. Those visits decreased sharply after we got married to the point … [Read more...]
VIDEO: Church Thug Music Video
A lot of you enjoyed the "My Mom Takes Forever After Church" video last week so we're giving you another from the collection. Nowadays every church has some "Church Thugs" LOL. This video comes from the animated series "Church" by Sean Plummer. … [Read more...]
VIDEO: My Mom Takes Forever After Church Music Video
If you grew up attending church on Sundays with your mother chances are you'll be able to relate to this one.This video comes from the animated series "Church" by Sean Plummer. BMWK fam, did your mom take forever after church? LOL … [Read more...]