I’ve always known I would one day become someone’s wife. I fantasized about weddings and thought about marriage even as a teenager.
One thing I learned, as an adult, is that just desiring it doesn’t guarantee you’d be any good at such a committed relationship.
Marriage is one of those life decisions that requires careful consideration. It isn’t a game or a union anyone should enter into lightly. There are certain preparations that must be taken prior to marriage.
Since the beginning of my marriage had a few hiccups along the way, there were some things I wish I had known. If you think you’re ready to transition your dating relationship into a marriage, here are a few things to consider:
Recognize your communication skills as well as your partner’s
Had I been more aware of my own challenges in this area, my husband and I might not have struggled as much. I had to improve my listening as well as how I expressed myself. This is a key trouble area for many couples. Handling it prior to marriage is highly recommended.
Accept your partner’s imperfections
There are always some. Everyone has something. Knowing, and better yet accepting, your partner’s flaws will also minimize the amount of drama that arises as a result of it.
Understand the possible in-law dynamics
For some couples, an early struggle is the outside forces surrounding the marriage. If there is a problem with in-laws before you exchange “I dos,” they won’t magically disappear after. Couples must be proactive and solution-focused when it comes to healing those external relationships.
Think long term and future
In terms of your actions and words, think how they will impact your future marriage. Once you’re married there are certain things you simply have to do better or the future of marriage will be at risk.
Remember you’re on the same team
Couples should start thinking partnership early rather than later. Decisions should be made together. You should also be prepared to defend one another.
Prepare to give more than you take
A key ingredient, often forgotten in marriage, is sacrifice. Your goal will be to make this the best marriage possible for your spouse. Are you willing to do that, consistently?
If each of these suggestions seem like no brainers to you, than you may be more ready for marriage than you thought.
Most successful marriages are strong in each of these areas. Some happily married couples had to learn these ideas along the way; I definitely did. However, being provided these nuggets of wisdom before marriage, should remind you of what’s required and further help you confirm your readiness.
BMWK, is your dating relationship ready for marriage?
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