The official cause of Sandra Bland’s death has been determined. However, the findings of an independent autopsy report have yet to be released.
Even so, all across the web, opinions are being formed, accusations are being launched, blame is being assigned.
The day after her arrest, Bland left the following message for a friend.
“I’m still here.”
No matter what the “official” word is, no matter where the blame lands, one thing is certain – Sandra Bland’s death did not have to happen in a Texas jail cell.
But, simply because it did, she joins a haunting list of African Americans whose souls cry out to us, “I’m Still Here.”
Lest we forget, Trayvon Martin, Freddie Gray, Michael Brown, Eric Garner, John Crawford, Sean Bell…are all crying out – “I’m still here.”
Their lives matter.
So now, it’s up to us. For every one of us who can say, “I’m still here,” let us use our prayers, our education, our influence, our dollars to stand up for those who have been unjustly denied the right to life.
BMWK, Why do you say “I’m still here?”
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