Let me start this off a really, really positive note: I really liked the premiere episode of Mary Mary’s new show. I mean, I really really liked it.
The first episode introduced us to Mary Mary the sisters, the mothers, the wives. Erica and Tina’s careers are blowing up and with their newfound success comes guilt: How can they go full force in their careers while still maintaining their relationships with their family?
In the premiere the sisters were trying to decide whether to perform at Atlanta’s tree-lighting ceremony for Thanksgiving. Understandably they were a little hesitant to go. Well, Tina was at least. Her daughter had a Glee performance at school and was crushed that her mom couldn’t make it. But Erica did a little work behind the scenes and arranged for Tina’s family to fly out to Atlanta to surprise her and lift her spirits. It worked like a charm.
Why did I like the show so much? It showed two women on their grind. Not content to simply meet up with other “friends” and have dinner with a side of insults. Neither sister was trying to outshine the others, they kept reminding each other that teamwork was the name of the game and that whatever they were trying to do, they had to both be on board.
My main problem with other reality shows is that the women just seem angry for no reason. Just angry for the heck of it and not willing to let arguments die out. They’re not striving toward anything, don’t seem interested in anything but making their 15 minutes stretch into 20. In that regard, this show was a breath of fresh air!
The only thing that surprised me about the show was Mitch, Mary Mary’s manager. He’s good at his job, which is looking out for their career and helping take them to new heights. But he doesn’t seem to be too worried about them as “gospel” artists. That Pillsbury contract? That’s got Mitch all over it. It’ll be interesting to see how their relationship plays out on the show.
As one Twitter user said, “It’s refreshing to watch a reality show with healthy marriages, well behaved kids, and no fighting.” Amen!
Did you catch the show? What did you think?
i love their positivity. So far yesit is the best most positive reality show ontv.
Not fake and staged like ‘run’s house’ was.
I don’t have WEtv but I hope to find it online. I’ve only seen positive feedback about the show.
Finally a reality show that my daughters can enjoy! They are so happy.
Marry Mary is not experiencing “new found” success. They exploded on the gospel scene in the mid-nineties.
U r an idiot so what -show us your success -really what is your POINT!!!!
@Me – I would say that over the past year and a half they have reached a higher level of success than even in the 90s. From Sunday Best to their partnership with Pillsbury…I think they are on a different level now, as far as mainstream music goes. Does that make sense? I probably should have said, “new heights of success.”
Regarding Mary Mary 2-12-12 I was disappointed. Money preperation seemed to be more important than the life of there unborn child. What Christian woman is going to even consider taking such a risk. I am concerned that Mary Mary are more about performering than they are about being ambassadors of the King, our Lord and Saviour. Do they have a relationship with Jesus Christ?
oops, April 12, 2012
Money prepartion did not seemed more important than the life of their unborn child. Both sisters are hardworkers and Erica struggled with the decision of furthering her career or taking a step down to focus on her and her baby’s health. In the end she chose her child before her career. She considered it because she’s a hard working successful woman and didnt want to disappoint her fans. What could even make you question their relationship with Jesus Christ? Because she had to think about a decision to make??
@Gloriouspurpose- I agree with you! I thought the same thing. It does seem they are more interested in the money, awards and fame then anything else. That maybe the “christianity” today but its only watered down and leads to nothing. One word….. Wordly!
I love this show. It shows that these Christian Women are REAL PEOPLE; juggling careers, family time, sisterly arguments, managers etc.. What I don’t get is why others – feel the need to question their Salvation. I think the ladies carry themselves beautifully..even with the “pole dancing” episode. Just because we are Christian’s don’t mean we don’t face the SAME challenges, temptations & circumstances in daily life as everyone else. And sometimes as Christians we don’t always make the right decision or choices..Thank GOD for repentance & 1st John 1 v9. And remember these ladies don’t work a 9 to 5 & get paid every 2 weeks. When they are NOT working, they are NOT getting paid. So YES, she is concerned about working, but I don’t think she put working above her pregnancy. A lot of women work right up until their 8th or 9th month; so they can take their regulated 6 week pregnancy leave & vacation time. Stop Judging – that’s why un-saved people shun the church & our Christ.
@RealPeople I agree with you 100%! It’s such a shame that so many people are judgemental of them, when they are real people! It just so happens to be that their life is in the public eye. It’s too bad that people can’t see every little thing that those that judge them do….no telling what we’d see. God is all about love. There are many “so called” Christians out here who have no relationship with God. They are just “religious” people!! Forget religion, it’s about relationship! Stop judging Tina and Erica!!
I think the ladies do well and is one of the best shows on tv imma thugs and I really love the show especially Mitch I think he really got yall back and he only want to take yall to the next level and yall are going there and I think he is right I think its time to upgrade your stylist good is ok but its time to upgrade yall look 2 strong positive family women and keep Mitch he is really good keep pushing them Mitch
I think that Mary Mary reality show is a wrong career move for them!! Because their fans are seeing them in a different way;( they don’t act like Christian).
(1) they curse
(2) Tina mention that she wanted to hurt/hit someone child
(3) they always arguing
(4) they have a bad attitude
(5) they was enjoying the strippers at the party.
They are showing their fans the bad side of Mary Mary which is not good!!!
Mary, Mary is the best reality show to watch. I enjoy watching the family and how they handle conflict without disrespecting one another. I also enjoy their music!