I state the following only because at times I have been guilty of it myself: There is a game of love, but marriage is not a game. Marriage is not for the faint of heart nor for children. You are in this together for the sake of each other to make two better together than apart; To enjoy life and make it rich in ways money can’t provide. It isn’t a competition. It isn’t about being right and your significant other being wrong. It isn’t about you speaking or thinking so highly of yourself that you come to believe you have arrived at your current destination and are doing everything you are doing, by yourself, purely out of your own miraculous, solitary strength and tenacity. When you know good and well on the days you don’t even want to get out of bed, he or she is there making things work as best they can while you get it together.
So, if you are somewhere outside of your home constantly complaining about your spouse to people who play no role in your life other than to sit a few desks or cubicles over from you; and if you are doing nothing to fix your “problems” (by nothing, I mean expecting it all to work out the way things do effortlessly in fairy tales and romantic comedies — and then getting mad or disillusioned when it doesn’t) other than complain to these same people who agree with you because they have no other choice but to since they are only hearing your side of the story — understand that as a married person you sound and look stupid, you are an embarrassment to your spouse and to what marriage should and ought to be and you are a walking, talking advertisement for single people to remain single. Stop saying and thinking, you can’t be bothered. You officially signed up to be bothered when you said, “I do.”
Marriage is not child’s play and it takes two. There will be happy and rough to unbearable moments. But there should be no stone left un-turned when it comes to seeking out and walking the path to success together. In order to do this you have to be strong enough in heart and secure enough in self to realize your marriage is not only about you. This is a demand that requires the participation of grown folks. So, if this applies to you, stop playing the games that undermine your spouse and ultimately, will destroy your marriage. Instead be excited to be married. There’s no reason not to. Be excited to wake up next to your spouse. Be excited to go on vacation with them. Look forward to dinners with the person that is yours. Excitement comes from within (and this is the case in fairy tales, too). Change your perspective and change your marriage…for the better.
BMWK – what do you say to a co-worker that may be complaining about their marriage? Do you ever ask them what they are doing to try to repair things?
Yana says
Ouch. This stung, so it must be true. Thanks for writting it, because I certainly needed to read it….
Cathy says
I stand accused on a level but as far as talking to others about us I learned a lesson from my spouse. But I never thought as deep as I have just now…..
Today we had a terrible argument in which it cuts me every time that we do. It’s just that one don’t get pass a disagree as fast as the other ( meaning we never get past our differences at the same time like we should) when it’s that bad I try to break the ice by talking sometimes it works other times; well let’s just say the communication goes sour. I hate it but I love him dearly. I know that he is my strength but I’m not so sure about him and his feelings of me. He’s always been so head strong and stubborn at times. I deal with it because it’s his baggage and I accepted it willingly. He accepted mine so I vowed to take on his. No turning back cause he’s my bug-a-boo! Old age will catch us sleeping together til death do us part…….
mfon says
this is really true, it’s not fair or cool to go around looking for a pity party, talk things over with your one and only and make it work.
carrie says
what happens when a man is too busy (chosen) to grow with the wife and kids and later decides that he doesn’t fit…. so game over. Why don’t men grow with the family? I know some have hard jobs that take alot of time, but thats still no excuse.
Another…. a man loses his manhood to cancer and so instantly decides to stop being married in all respects…