by Aja Dorsey Jackson
In 2010, I only resolve to do one thing: get away to somewhere warm with my husband and no kids.
As a rule, I do not make New Year’s resolutions. The goals that I have, like be more organized, eat healthier, exercise more and get to work on time are things that I work at every day. It just works better for me to try to get a little better every day than to wait until New Year’s Day to start on some type of rigorous plan that will be long forgotten by Valentines Day.
This year, however, I am breaking that rule. My husband and I have taken two vacations alone as a married couple. The first was our honeymoon. The second trip was to Vegas about nine months after our honeymoon. We planned that vacation not knowing that I would be about 7 months pregnant by the time we made it there. While I had a nice time shopping and touring the Hoover Dam, a little bit of the whole Sin City experience gets lost when you are wobbling down the Vegas strip in 100 degree weather feeling and looking like a beached whale.
And while we did make it out of town this year, we did so with our then nine-year-old and nine-month-old in tow. Going away with kids may look like a vacation to some; to me it is what I call a “trip”. We had a good time with our children, but I don’t classify going away with them as a vacation because going away with my children means that I still have to work. Diaper changes, bottle feedings, and “Mommy I need….” don’t stop just because you changed area codes.
Right now I am just missing some of that alone time that we used to share. We get pieces of it here and there when my in-laws take the kids for the evening. But even with our best efforts, it’s still not the same knowing you have to rush home or wake up early to pick them up in the morning. Even if it’s only for a day or two, I would love to have the feeling of being able to stay out late, fall asleep, and wake up without having to worry about anything but one another.
It may be hard to pull it off but I’m encouraged by the fact that I have a whole year to figure it out. We will be taking a child-free vacation, by any means necessary (potential babysitters beware. I’ve got my eye on you).
Girl, yes! I think every couple needs to do that at least once a year. You’ve inspired me to start looking at airline prices! 🙂
.-= Tara´s last blog ..30 things to do before Im 30 =-.
Tara even if we have to drive to a beach in New Jersey we will be getting away! I’m on a mission!
New years Resolutions are more like an outlook as to what we plan to do. This year I do plan to take my husband out of state for his birthday our first one since having kids!! I’m a little nervous about it, I prefer we all fly together…in case something happens the thought of BOTH of us not coming home to our kids is scary. We’re going to do it though!