BMWK: In your hopes to help other women, what, in particular, do you want young woman to know?
Sarah: One of the most challenging things for me to learn and I wish someone would have told me was it’s a process. We are on fire for God on Sundays and see all of these people worshiping and wonder how did they get there. How did they get that dedication and devotion to God because I have it on Sundays but I don’t have it on other days. If I could tell young girls anything is that it’s a process and that we search for God in everything. It’s a decision and doesn’t just happen. No matter how easy it looks for the person beside you, we all have our own struggles and battles as we strive to hold onto God.
BMWK: When you reflect on your relationship with your parents, what lessons are you most grateful for?
Sarah: My father always said “I’ve never seen love lose a fight.” Him teaching me that lesson has helped me grow tremendously even as I strive to love myself and parent my children and sow seeds into them. If the heart of it is pure and you do it out of love, you won’t lose. It doesn’t mean it won’t be difficult, but you won’t lose. And I see that exhibited in all that [my parents] do, and I cherish that lesson above all.
BMWK: Readers can tell that you have a special relationship with your mother. As Mother’s Day approaches, what is something you would like to share about her?
Sarah: I always tried to figure out what made my mother so special because everyone we meet is always so drawn to her. I realized that she is so committed to being herself, in any phase of life. She is the same person consistently. When she looks at you it’s like she’s looking right into your soul. She is so authentic herself; she demands authenticity from everyone she’s around. She’s my friend.
Your mistakes will be your greatest testimonies! God Bless
What a phenomenal interview, it revealed things about Sara’s past that I never knew. It is liberating to read that others are in their process just like we are in ours. I feel compelled to read the book.
Oh, you won’t be able to put it down. It’s a page turner.
Great article Dr Michelle! It’s so important that we extend grace to people. As a mother of three grown daughters, I had to ask God to help me with that. I try very hard to keep my love for my daughters in the forefront when they come to me for advice. I try not to be hat mother who judges them as they go through the process of finding their position as women in the church and in every area of their lives. It really is a process that we have to go through in our own unique way!
That’s a great word for me too. I want to be that mother. When you read it, you will see how Lady Jakes mothered her daughter in spite of.