If you’re single and looking for love, there is no shortage of relationship books on the market with promises to give you the perfect advice for finding the perfect mate (that often don’t deliver). Paul Carrick Brunson breaks that mold with his first book, “It’s Complicated (But it Doesn’t Have to Be): A Modern Guide to Finding and Keeping Love.”
Known as the Modern Day Matchmaker, Paul presents some of the most practical and relevant relationship advice I’ve seen in a long time. This makes it no wonder why the OWN Network selected him to co-host their widely popular show, “Lovetown, USA,” in 2012. Lady O herself said, “Paul is more than a matchmaker, he’s a life coach.”
With “It’s Complicated,” Brunson takes a researched based approach to helping you understand the complexities of dating and seeks to simply, as the title suggests, make them less complex.
What I appreciated most about the book is that it’s not solely aimed at women, as the majority of relationship advice products are. The information shared is applicable to both men and women, and he touches on a variety of contexts, such as poor mother-son relationships, single parenthood, to body language – all of which have an influence on your love life.
Sex, online dating, communication…you name it, it’s in there. I found “It’s Complicated” to be more than just an advice book. It’s a valuable guide on how to nail down your true desires (there’s actually homework to help you do that!), find love, and keep it.
This book has something for everyone. I’m not even single, and I took away many great reminders and insights that I can use to strengthen my relationship with my husband.
Take a look at some actual excerpts from the book:
Great dating advice…
Often the best way to learn about yourself and the person you’re dating is to launch yourselves into uncharted waters. New challenges open up new emotions, energies and conversation starters—and they definitely make the date memorable.
Things to remember if you’re in a relationship…
The better you are at communicating your wants and needs in an effective, persuasive and understanding manner, the more likely your wants and needs will not be neglected in the relationship. The better you are at solving a problem or reaching a negotiated solution, the more likely your relationships will go the distance.
If you’re looking to love again (after a divorce, for example)…
Losing love is part of life. And so is finding love again.
Something that applies to EVERYONE…
Love isn’t supposed to hurt. Love isn’t supposed to make us feel disrespected and used. Learn the difference and cut ties with those who don’t appreciate you.
Whatever stage you are in love, I recommend reading “It’s Complicated.” It doesn’t disappoint.
Tell us, BMWK family, what’s the best relationship book you’ve read?
I like him:) He gives great advice even beyond dating. For instance, I saw a FB post that said that netowrking s about giving, giving, giving and then getting. Very true!
I bought the book and love it