When a daughter considers her relationship with her father, she should learn how a father treats his child, specifically his daughter. In this relationship, the daughter is validated by her father. The father’s role is to secure her long before any young man is afforded an opportunity to have any real influence in her life for good or bad.
The father sets the foundation by his validation of her physically, emotionally, and spiritually.
This is the father-daughter relationship. When a daughter looks at her father, she should learn how a husband treats his wife by the example he sets in marriage to her mother. This is the example of how a woman should be treated by a man in pursuit of a wife and not the example of the father-daughter relationship.
Daddy’s girl is a father-daughter relationship not to be modeled by any other man than a father for the daughter he loves. When a woman desires her man to treat her like her father treated her in a dating relationship, it could very easily come across as selfishness though that may not be her intent.
The father, seen in his role as a husband to his wife, is the model to be noted and learned from. From this context alone is where a daughter learns how she is to be treated by a husband in marriage. She will not learn this in a father/daughter relationship. From her mother, as a wife, is where she learns how a wife treats her husband.
The Family
From our parents, we learn how to conduct ourselves as husband/wife in marriage as well as a mother/father to our children. The misappropriation of the necessary and meaningful relationships between parents and children, when infused into dating relationships, will cause unnecessary catastrophic results in those misguided relationships that make this fatal error.
Parental relationships were purposed to develop little girls and little boys into healthy, whole men and women prepared for covenant relationships. The parental seed has then reproduced after its kind. This is the building block of the family.
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