You still see ME instead of WE
Many people say they want to become “one,” but to say it and actually live it are two different things. Until you think about your spouse and consider him or her in every decision you make, you are still thinking of ME instead of WE and that will doom your marriage.
Good sex is all you have in common
As great as sex is, if your relationship isn’t built on a stronger foundation, it will crumble. No matter how much your toes curl and your eyes roll back in your head, there will come a time where you will need more. Make sure you have that “more” before getting married!
You’re still holding on to the past
If you are bringing up the past issues of your relationship every time you get into a disagreement, then it probably means you haven’t gotten over them. It also means you don’t need to get into a marriage while still holding on to unresolved issues. Let it go!
You don’t have a religious or spiritual plan
Spirituality will be crucial in holding your marriage together because it provides the necessary tools along with an effective game plan to make it successful. If you aren’t on the same page spiritually, the foundation will crumble.
You aren’t willing to sacrifice or compromise
If you are still very selfish and stubborn and you believe there is only one way and that’s YOUR way then you won’t survive in a marriage. Learn to compromise before the wedding.
You’re not 100% sure he or she wants to marry you
If your instincts tell you your mate is not 100% committed to what’s to come, you need to run while you still have time. A marriage needs both parties to be ALL IN before taking that plunge!
These 13 things aren’t meant to scare you from wanting to be married because marriage is a great thing; but it houses some realities of what it takes to have a healthy marriage.
BMWK, This is by no means an exhaustive list so, if you are reading this, please join the conversation and comment. Offer your thoughts on other things that you think could be added. Use the prompt below.
“You might not be ready to get married if…..”
Yaaaaaaassssss BMWK! This was another great article that I am so glad I had the chance to read.