There is new research to add to the growing list of why exercise and maintaining a healthy BMI is so critical for our children. As if the risk of diabetes wasn’t concerning enough, there is now the possibility that the functioning of our children’s lungs can be compromised. As referenced in Health Day, according to senior study author Dr. Deepa Rastogi:
“While it has been well documented that Hispanics and African-Americans — particularly those who live in urban settings — have a higher prevalence of asthma and obesity, there is less understanding of the lung function in overweight asthmatic minority children…”
“What we have learned from this study is that even small increases in weight can negatively impact lung function.”
Knowing such information may help physicians be able to better manage their patient’s needs. Even so, we as parents might have the ability to help our children before it gets to the point where medical attention is needed. We can do this various ways, including by encouraging exercise, exercising with our children, and providing nutritious food options. To learn more on this study visit Health Day.
BMWK — How do you help your children maintain a healthy lifestyle?
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