As a single lady who desires to be married, I constantly get messages on social media about dating, courtship and marriage. These messages come in the form of wedding photos, smiling faces, relevant scriptures and empowering statements, which are all fine, but sometimes you have to dig deeper. Single people who desire to be married one day should be intentional about … [Read more...]
15 Ways To Quickly Find Out If You or Your Spouse Are ‘About That Married Life’
I am one of those people who loves the feeling of being in love. I love the idea of it, the feeling of it, the heat of it. And I am blessed to be married to a man who makes me feel it often. I'm not gonna lie, it's not an every day feeling. But, it wouldn't be married life if it were. See, that's the thing. Married life is all at once amazing, full, frustrating, and … [Read more...]
10 Relationship Tees for Women Who Luv Love!
The journey from the single life to one of marital bliss can be awesome! For some, they search for, find, and grab a hold of love early on in life. Others, however, take a little more time to explore so that when the time is right, they feel better equipped to jump the broom. Whether you are single and on the prowl, or have started your journey with the love of your life, … [Read more...]