The past week in our country has been a nightmare. Three mass shootings in California, Texas, and Ohio claimed the lives of 31 people and injured dozens more. We don't know when or where it will happen again. But, one thing is for certain. We can pray. And, I don't mean pray just for the families of the victims, but also for God's future protection for ourselves and our … [Read more...]
6 Ways to Help Your Child Get into Beast Mode for the School Year
It seems like yesterday, I was being wheeled out of the hospital doors, coddling a 7 lb 5 oz little girl. Today, I walked her into her first day of kindergarten. My daughter woke up for the first day of kindergarten, nervous. Frightened by the thought that she wouldn't have any friends and her new teacher wouldn’t like her. A once confident preschooler had suddenly lost her … [Read more...]
New to Homeschooling; 5 No-Fuss Tips to Get You Started
New to homeschooling? No worries. Use the five keys here to put your mind at ease. With planning and a little help, you can do this! Here is how to get started. Relax and have confidence Be confident that with proper planning and a willingness to fly by the seat of your pants that you can do this. I know it sounds contradictory, however, it's very true.You will need a … [Read more...]
Back To School Tips to Prepare Your Mind and Your Wallet!
Well, it’s that time of year again. The summer’s over. School is here. If your family is anything like mine, the kids are not looking forward to it. I mean, the summer has been one fun, friend-filled week after another. But now it’s time to go back to school. To help you make a successful transition from summer’s lazy days to school’s crazy classes, here are a few … [Read more...]
The Ultimate Black Parents’ Back To School List
I don’t know about you but I can hardly believe that the summer is almost over. If it isn’t depressing enough realizing that shortly the warm weather will be gone and the long days will disappear – avid parents like me will soon be sending our children back to school. I realize that for some, seeing our kids return to school is a welcomed sight but not so much with me. I may … [Read more...]
5 Tips for Mom’s Back-to-School Sanity
by Jennifer Keitt, Summer is almost over and we’ve got to start thinking about the school year ahead. I’m a Mom of four and I know what you’re up against. So here are 5 tips—tried and true—that can help maintain your sanity so that you (and your children) can have a great school year! 1. Retrain your brain! Heal self-defeating thoughts: “I stunk at math and my kids … [Read more...]
It’s Back To School Time. What are You Doing with All of the Pictures?
I have never been good at making photo albums or scrap books. I did make the senior year scrapbook that you see in the picture below ( I know some of you scrapbooking pros are cringing right now.) Can someone tell me why I put a proof in the album? I mean, we did buy the pictures. My poor kids. I can't keep up with all of the pictures. They literally have baby albums … [Read more...]
4 Ways To Get Along With Your Child’s Teacher This School Year
With Labor Day behind us, most students are already in school. Not only is the the first week of school stressful to the students, but it is also stressful to the parents who send their kids into the school building to a new teacher, a new curriculum and new students. There's always the classic worries for our kids such as bullying, drugs and other bad influences. But … [Read more...]
Is Your Home in “School-Year” Shape?
School buses...Backpacks..and TRAFFIC! Oh my!! It's that time of year again. Yes! Back-to-school time. Always a bittersweet moment for me. Yay!!! This means more structure and for lack of a better word..."order" in the house. Boo!!! For the homework woes and my husband and I realizing that neither one of is "smarter than a fifth grader". From a sentimental mommy perspective, it … [Read more...]
5 Back-to-School Conversations Every Dad Must Have With His Kids
Every year I hear so much about what to buy your child for the new school year. But little is ever said about how to prepare your child for the year mentally. So to all of my BMWK fathers, our role in helping to get our kids ready to take on a new year can never be overstated. I don't know why and sometimes I don't know how, but despite what we see in the mirror and know … [Read more...]
Jodie Watson’s Back To School Organizing Tips
With the start of school only a week away for many students, it's time to think about how to get kids and parents organized for the new school year. Jodie Watson, founder and president of Supreme Organization and the organization expert from TLC's "Real Simple. Real Life," has developed easy-to-implement tips that are sure to interest you. Watson says that helping your … [Read more...]