In the lovey-dovey honeymoon stage of relationships, things usually seem to fit into place. Every romantic date is summed up with the perfect caption for your photos posted to social media. When that stage eventually ends, relationships get real; they get tested and the imperfections begin to materialize. So what happens when you find out your "perfect guy" is not so perfect … [Read more...]
4 Bad Behaviors that are Seriously Damaging Your Relationship
If you're human, it's very easy to take for granted the most important people in your life. We've all been guilty of it at one time or another. And we can usually make up for it, if we do. However, if you're starting to see cracks in the foundation of your relationship, you should consider whether you're engaging in any of these destructive behaviors: [imagebrowser id=413] … [Read more...]
5 Bad Behaviors that Have No Place in Marriage
Let's face it. Getting married is easy. It's the staying happily married that can sometimes be challenging. What I've found is that sometimes we become comfortable and aren't as diligent, as we were when we were dating, in trying to keep the harmony. If you are feeling like your husband just doesn't listen to you or doesn't understand your needs, even when you voice them, … [Read more...]