Do you ever wonder why you only attract the wrong men in your life? Why does it seem like the only men interested in you are players, commitment-phobes, emotionally unavailable, or just not ready for anything serious? There's a surprising reason why and once you understand it, you'll change your dating experience for good. Let me begin with a little story. Imagine that there … [Read more...]
5 Irresistible Qualities Women Desire in a Christian Man
Hey ladies, what’s on your list in what makes a godly man attractive? Guys, what do you think attracts women to you the most? Aside from looks and other attributes that we may list as desirable when the question comes to mind, here are five irresistible qualities of the heart and character in a Christian man that ladies love as well. 1. Humility (Proverbs 15:33) Loving … [Read more...]
11 Things You Should Know About Your Spouse if Your Marriage is Important to You
Lately, I've been writing a lot about physical intimacy, which of course is extremely important in a marriage. However, couples can’t neglect the other key ingredients for a healthy partnership. It's great to connect with our spouse physically, I recommend it, but a physical attraction or desire shouldn't be the only means of uniting a couple. Married partners should be … [Read more...]