From the CNN Black in America Blog, Dr. Kris Marsh talks about the black middle class: … [Read more...]
Angela Benton of CNN’s Black in America 4 Tells Us How To Get Our Daughters Into Technology
Before launching in December 2007, there were two conversations that I had that gave me massive insight into the blogging world and whether my concept for a site based on promoting black marriage would be viable or not. One of those conversations was with the woman you see pictured above Angela Benton (@abenton on Twitter). Since that time we've … [Read more...]
Money Monday: Black in America: Almighty Debt, A Hit or Miss?
by Dr. Charles Alonzo Peters On Thursday night I sat down like many of you to view Almighty Debt, CNN's latest installment of its Black in America series. I'll admit I was a little apprehensive. How was a mainstream media outlet going to handle an institution as complex as the Black Church and a subject as delicate as debt without resorting to standard … [Read more...]
Why Parents Should NOT Pay for College
by Lisa Maria Carroll Are you a parent who struggles to give your child the best of everything, including a house that's not a home because you're losing sleep at night worrying about how you're going to keep it, vacations charged to credit cards that will take you the next 20 years to pay off, and a college education that you can't afford to pay for? If this is you, then I … [Read more...]