Sherry had been married for three years and had one child. Her husband was a hard working, dedicated and compassionate man. Initially, Sherry thought she had everything she needed in a man, and she was right, until she later experienced difficulty with him connecting with her at a deeper level. She did her best to justify his actions by repeating things she had learned about … [Read more...]
Black Poetry Day: When They Go
by Akilah S. Richards, When they go, be sure that you do not allow them to take your things with them. Don’t you worry about your tangibles; You can get those back. It’s the things you arrived with that you need to keep intact. When they go, be sure that you do not assign them ownership of what only you can truly own, for … [Read more...]
Don’t Let Go Without Holding On
Everyone wants to let go of their past. Especially when the past haunts you with things and ideals that nearly destroyed your life. We all have something in our life that we wished would have never happened. We all have situations that were beyond our control. Many of those things, could have been different if we had a choice in the matter. But sometimes, life just happens, and … [Read more...]
5 Things Your Relationship Says About You
As a newlywed I’m reminded that my marriage says a great deal about my wife and I. We’re not alone. Relationships are one of life’s most precious resources and they require investments of both time and energy. Understanding the reflective nature of relationships is important because they provide important insight into our character, habits, insecurities, fears, flaws, and … [Read more...]