Couples often decide to get married because they have fallen head over heels in love with each other. They can no longer imagine their life without their best friend, confidant, and lover. The rose colored glasses through which they view their relationship lead them to believe that their marriage will play out like a fairy tale - you know, ride off into the sunset and live … [Read more...]
Single Ladies: 4 Specific Expressions We Tell Ourselves When He Stops Calling and How You Really Should Respond
No one wants to find out that someone they are interested in is no longer into them. Breakups, falling out, etc. can hurt the heart. Unfortunately the emotional wounds can occur from the "getting to know you" stage all the way up to committed relationships. When a man stops calling you, you have several ways to respond. Some I’ve been through and perhaps you can relate: “I … [Read more...]
How the Belly Button Rule is Used to Enhance Communication
Many of the clients I have been working with have had challenges with communication and I think it’s an important topic to discuss. Sometimes, those challenges are tone of voice, lack of paying attention or probably the most difficult to overcome, which is not being able to deliver the message you want your partner to hear. Even the most challenging relationships can take … [Read more...]