Dear Dr. Buckingham, I came across your email through a blog and I am seeking advice. About three weeks ago, I found out that my fiancé of 10 months (dated for 12) cheated on me and got another woman pregnant. This has been the roughest 3 weeks of my life. He told me the news after she reached out and told him and they supposedly did a paternity test. I don’t even know what to … [Read more...]
30 Serious Consequences of Infidelity…Take Heed
Infidelity is by far one of the worst things that can transpire in marriage. Trust me, I know from personal experience! It violates everything built between you and your spouse in such a personal way. Majority of us who’ve been cheated on didn’t see it coming…I know I was blindsided for sure! “I am deeply aware of the disappointment and hurt that my infidelity … [Read more...]