As a single lady who desires to be married, I constantly get messages on social media about dating, courtship and marriage. These messages come in the form of wedding photos, smiling faces, relevant scriptures and empowering statements, which are all fine, but sometimes you have to dig deeper. Single people who desire to be married one day should be intentional about … [Read more...]
Is Your Love Connection Losing Signal? 7 Ways to Recharge Your Love Connection
[tps_header]As a relationship life coach, I often have to encourage couples to identify meaningful ways to maintain their intimate connection. To keep the romantic flame burning bright, committed couples should prioritize spending quality time together daily. Quality time allows you to connect emotionally, mentally, physically and spiritually. It is important to make a … [Read more...]
5 Reasons Married Couples Need to Go Back to the Basics with Date Nights
Life always presents us an opportunity to practice our survival skills. I love the phrase to be aware is to be alive. For me, it means being observant of people, things and situations that challenge our safety or success. Once we feel threatened, our instinct kicks in and we do whatever is necessary to protect ourselves. We do the same where our hearts are concerned. Our … [Read more...]